
Sunday 13 October 2019


The rearing of live stock constitutes an

important branch of the rural economy of the country. However, as we have seen,

pastures and fallows tend to diminish, being replaced by more elaborate

cultivation. For this reason, while decreasing his pastures, the Bulgarian

farmer increases his forage by the cultivation of various crops, the duel of

which are vetch and lucem. The total area occupied by lucem, vetch and wild

millet was, in 1892,31,342 hectares, and in 1899 88,455*84 hectares. The

quantity of these forage plants grown has, therefore, tripled in seven years.

The Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture each year distributes gratis a large

quantity of lucem seed, and exempts from all taxes ground sown with lucem.

The following table gives some idea of the

live stock of


Animal. Number

in 1893.              Number in 1900.              Proportional differenco More.


1             Horses                  343,946                494,557                4378

p  I.C.

2             Mules                   8,264    8,887     756         II

3             Donkeys              81,610  107,098                31*23    99

4             Cattle                    1,425,781           1,596,267            ii*95       99

5             Buffalos               342,193               431,487                26a09    II

6             Sheep                   6,868,291            7,015,385            2*14      II

7             Goats                    1,263,772            1,405,190            II*I9       99

8             Pigs                        461,635               367,501                —           20.39


9             Poultry                 3,426,637           4,751,751            38*86    99

Improvement of the different animals

The improvement of the different animals

is brought about by means of selection. Another system that obtains in Bulgaria

is crossing native breeds with the best breeds of other countries. To this end,

the Government seconds the efforts of permanent commissions in the provinces

and of the agricultural cooperative societies. There are in the Principality

five large State depots for stallions and a certain number of stations for

cattlebreeding, especially near the agricultural colleges of Sadovo

(Philippopolis) and Roustchouk. The Government awards prizes to the breeders

who specially distinguish themselves, and helps them in the purchase of

pedigree beasts for breeding purposes. Dairies, which play so important a part

in farm management, and which, though as yet only in their beginning in

Bulgaria, will certainly develop enormously, are the object of special

attentions on the part of the Government.

On the whole, the State agricultural

institutions are rapidly developing, and so are the agricultural enterprises

due to private initiative. A special section of the Ministry of Commerce and

Agriculture (created in 1894) is concerned with the superintendence of

everything relating to agriculture in the Principality. This section is

subdivided into other sections, occupied with the respective branches of

agriculture, viticulture, fruitgrowing, cattlebreeding, and beekeeping. The

whole country is divided into fortyfour agricultural districts, under the

management of agricultural inspectors. It is the duty of these inspectors to

see to the carrying out of the various agricultural laws (village police,

phylloxera, silkworms, eggs, etc.), and to promote useful knowledge of farm

management by organising lectures, demonstrations, etc.

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