
Sunday 13 October 2019


With a total area of 9,570,450 hectares,

the Principality of Bulgaria contains:

(1)          2,156,701*05

hectares of inhabited area, roads, rivers, etc.; in all 22*54 per cent, of the

total area.

(2)          2,867,870*79

hectares of forest; 29*96 of the total area.

(3)          2,975,386*21

hectares of arable land; 31*09 p.c. of the total area.

(4)          352,404*36

hectares of meadow land; 3*68p.c. of the total area.

(5)          124,680*08

hectares of gardens, orchards, rose gardens and vineyards; 1*30 p.c. of the

total area.

(6)          123,207*64

hectares of marshes, reed beds, islands, thickets, and salt marshes ; 1*29 p.c.

of the total area.

(7)          970,199*87

hectares of pasture land, 10*14 p.c. of the total area.

We see from these figures that the total

area of ground susceptible of cultivation is 4,422,670*52 hectares, or 46*21

p.c. of the area of the country. Governmental statistics prove that the greater

part of the arable land and of that suited to any kind of culture comes more

and more under cultivation. About the year 1892 2,623,312 hectares were being

cultivated, that is 59*30 p.c. About the year 1897 these figures rose to

3,452,470*65 hectares, 78 p.c. The remaining 22 p.c. is pasture land.

As regards ownership, the total area of the

Principality is divided into:

(1)          Private

property: 3,977,55772 hectares, or 41*56 p.c. of the total area.

(2)          Parish

property: 2,291,156*50 hectares, or 23*94 p.c. of the total area.

(3)          Inhabited

area, rivers, roads : 2,156,701*05 hectares, or 22*54 p.c. °f the total area.

(4)          State

property : 1,015,903*23 hectares, or IO*6I p.c. of the total area.

(5)          Property

belonging to churches, schools, monasteries, etc.: 29,131*50 hectares, or 1*35

p.c. of the total area.

Total: 9,570,450 hectares.

Inhabited area

So that, without counting the inhabited

, rivers, roads, etc., the area that can be turned to account is

7,413,748*95 hectares, 3»977»5577a °f which belong to private owners;

3,428,466*9 hectares belong to 546,084 proprietors who live on their own land;

599,090*8 hectares belong to 253,504 proprietors who do not live on those


The following table gives details relating

to the distribution of the property of the former class:


of Proprietors.                Area of

each property.  Total area of the

properties of each class.

1             65,870                   up to     5 ddcar.               157,227*2


2             37,256   from      5

to        10           99           278,367*9


3             59,735                   10 to     20           99           895,795’6

4             54,841   •9           20

to     30           99           1,373,820*1 „

5             49,637   99           30

to     40           99           1,735,5i5 5 ..

6             44,093   99           40

to     50           99           1,982,240*6 „

7             85,177   99           50

to     75           99           5,254.165*9 „

8             53,4*8  99           75

to     100         »»          4,618,268*4 „

9             53,oi8    99           100

to   150         99           6,419,925 »

zo           21,108   99           150

to   200         99           3,621,738*7 „

IT            14,112   f»            200

to   300         99           3,390,952*9 „

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