
Tuesday 26 February 2019


The State fells both its own forests and

those belonging to the parishes, according to a programme drawn up every year

by the Ministry.

Private owners fell their forests according

to certain plans arranged in tables.

There are three systems of management: (1)

the State fells its own forests and those belonging to the parishes; (a) the

right of felling is disposed of by auction; (3) the right of felling is handed

over to a third party.

The sales of timber, etc., take place

either by auction, or in the way of a concession, or retail to the inhabitants

of the district according to tariffs drawn up by the forest authorities.

Felling of pines and firs takes place all

the year. The other forests are felled, from September 15th to March 31st.

The proceeds from the State forests go, of

course, to the State Treasury. So do the proceeds from the parish forests. But

the State spends this revenue exclusively on the upkeep of the parish forests

and returns any excess to the respective parishes. As a rule, the parishes are

allowed no say in the management of their forests.


Villages situated in forests are obliged to

afforest 45 per cent, of their land, those near forests 25 p.c., and those in

the open country 6 p.c. of their land.

Wherever the area afforested falls short of

these proportions resort must be made to artificial methods. Certain districts

of particular importance are also afforested. The work is carried on under

State inspection.

Owing to the fact that the soil of Bulgaria

is rich in vegetable matter, young trees take root with vigour and, although no

particular care has as yet been taken of the plantations, very good results

have been obtained. Dozens of hectares have been reafforested in several

districts. Most of the planters have been influenced, not by any speculative

project, but by a wish to beautify their estates or improve their hygienic

condition. The reafforesting of already existing forests takes place by natural

methods in conjunction with a periodical and rational system of felling, this

system being at once the least costly and the best adapted to the different

kinds of timber. But one thing must be observed: owing to the want of

experience of Bulgarian foresters, the national system of renewal leads to a

crossing of the different kinds, and the high forests are changed into low

growth. The reverse is seldom the case.

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