
Tuesday 26 February 2019

Administration of Forests

The superintendence of the forests of the

Principality is in the hands of the Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture. A

special department of the Ministry is charged with the execution of the forest

laws. The staff consists of a chief of the department, an inspectorgeneral of

forests, an engineer for forests, and two assistant chiefs.

The territory is divided into forest

districts, each including several administrative centres which, in turn,

control a certain number of forest stations.

In accordance with the budget of 1905, the

service is performed by six district inspectors, forty foresters, and twenty

adjuncts. This is, so to speak, the upper staff of the administration of

forests. There is, therefore, a district inspector to every 506,856‘4 hectares

and a forester to every 76,028*15 hectares.

This year the Ministry created a special

bureau to superintend the canalization of mountain streams. It is to consist of

a chief of the department (a foreigner), two assistant chiefs (one of whom is

to be a foreigner), an engineer, a draughtsman, and an administrator. The

bureau will start work as soon as the staff is appointed.

Considerable technical knowledge is

required of the upper staff of foresters. The six district inspectors have gone

through a thorough training in their speciality. Of the forty foresters,

twenty-eight have passed through a school of forestry, six have had a special

training, and the others are all more or less prepared for the service.

The duty of patrolling the forests is

confided to keepers specially appointed for the purpose. The budget provides

for one keeper to every 1,500 hectares of forest and from three to seven

foresters of a higher grade to every administrative center. There are, besides,

a great number of subalterns for different services. All this staff belongs to

the State; the parish forests also employ foresters, one to every 50,000


Functionaries budget

The salaries of all these functionaries

are provided for in the budget
as follows:

A district inspector of the first class

receives 4,800 francs per annum, with 600 francs for travelling expenses.

A district inspector of the second class

receives 4,200 francs per annum with 600 francs for travelling expenses.

A forester of the first class receives

3,600 francs per annum, with 300 francs for the keep of a horse.

A forester of the second class receives

3,000 francs per annum, with 300 francs for the keep of a horse.

A forester of the third class receives

2,400 francs per annum, with 300 francs for the keep of a horse.

An adjunct of the first class receives

2,100 francs per annum, with 240 francs for the keep of a horse.

An adjunct of the second class receives

1,440 francs per annum, with 240 francs for the keep of a horse.

A head keeper receives 1,080 francs per

annum, a mounted keeper 840 francs, a keeper 600 francs.

The keepers in the parish forests receive

respectively: head keepers 900 francs, mounted keepers 720 francs, keepers 480


Private owners of forests are obliged to

employ their own keepers.

The total budget for forests in the year

1905 was 739,820 francs, 641,829 francs of which was spent in salaries, the

remaining 98,000 francs on the improvement of the forests.

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