
Tuesday 26 April 2022

Wall three hundred verse

And to show you the cost that the king incurred, you must now that I inquired of the legate how much this gate and le portion of wall had cost. And he asked me how much I aught? and I reckoned that the gate had cost full five hundred limes, and the portion of the wall three hundred verse. And he told me so might God help him! that ate and wall together had cost him full thirty thousand verse.

When the king had finished fortifying the burgh of Jaffa, he decided to go and re-fortify the city of Sayette, which the awakens had destroyed. He started on the day of the feast f the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul (29th June 1253); and sat night the king and his host lay before the castle of Assur, which was very strong. The same night the king called his people together and told them that if they agreed he would go and take a city of the Saracens called Naplouse; which city the ancient Scriptures called Samaria.

The Templars and the Hospitallers and the barons of the ,nd answered him, with one accord, that it would be well to and take the city; but that he ought not to go thither 1 person, because, if anything happened to him, all the land mold be lost. And he said that they should not go unless e went with them. Therefore this enterprise remained unachieved, because the lords of the land would not consent eat he should go in person.

Journeying day by day we came to the sands of Acre

A here the king and the host encamped. At that place came me a great troop of people from Great Armenia, who were going on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, having paid a great tribute 0 the Saracens, by whom they were conducted. By an interpreter, who knew their language and ours, they be-

ought me to show them the sainted king. I went to the king there where he sat in a pavilion, leaning against the pole f the pavilion ; and he sat upon the sand, without a carpet, nd without anything else under him. I said to him: “ Sire, Here is here outside a great troop of people from Great uremia, going to Jerusalem; and they pray me, sire, to amuse the sainted king to be shown to them; but I have no leisure as yet to kiss your bones.” He laughed aloud, and old me to go and fetch them; and so I did. And when they had seen the king they commended him to God, and the king commended them to God likewise.

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