
Saturday 23 April 2022

Soldan of Damascus sent envoys to the kin

While the king was at Acre, the Soldan of Damascus sent envoys to the king, and complained greatly of the emirs of Egypt, who had killed his cousin; and he promised the king that, if he would help him, he would deliver up to him the kingdom of Jerusalem, which was in his the Soldan’s hand. The king decided to make answer to the Soldan of Damascus through envoys of his own, whom he sent to the Soldan. With these envoys went Brother Yves le Breton, of the order of the Preaching Brothers, who knew the Saracen tongue.

While they were going from their hostel to the palace of the Soldan, Brother Yves saw an old woman going across the street, and she bore in her right hand a dish full of fire, and in her left a phial full of water. Brother Yves asked her: “ What are you doing with these? ” And she answered that with the fire she was minded to bum up paradise, so that there should be none remaining; and with the water to quench hell, so that there should be none remaining. And he asked: “Why wilt thou do this?” “ Because I would that none should do good to have the guerdon of paradise, or because of the fear of hell, but solely for the love of God, who is all-worthy and can do for us what-sever is best.”


John the Armenian, who was artilleryman to the king, went at that time to Damascus, to buy horn and glue for the making of crossbows; and he saw an old man, very aged, seated in the bazaar of Damascus. This aged man called to him and asked him if he were a Christian; and he said “ Yes.” And the aged man said to him: “ Much must you Christians hate one another; for once upon a time 1 saw King Baldwin of Jerusalem, who was a leper, discomfiting Saladm. and Baldwin had with him but three hundred men-at-arms, whereas Saladin had three thousand; but now you have been brought to so low estate by your sins that we take you in the fields as if you were wild beasts.”

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