
Saturday 4 January 2020

The old jealousy that ever opposes the winner

The Imperialists boast in their despatches, not without..reason, that they had conquered a large portion of the old kingdom of Servia. The inhabitants took it for granted, that they should now remain subjects of the Emperor of Germany. They had everywhere joined him with devotion ; in most districts had rendered him homage; and in several instances had undertaken to defend, conjointly with the Imperial troops, the conquered places against their now common enemy.

But again their hopes were doomed to disappointment.

So soon as it appeared that the designs of the Imperial Courts were likely to be carried into effect, apprehensions arose amongst the other European powers, at seeing the general equilibrium likely to be disturbed by so extensive an increase of territorial possession. The old jealousy that ever opposes the winner, raised itself in favour of the Turks; and it soon became evident that their fall was not to be permitted.

It became doubtful whether their former boundaries should be restored to them. Of the European Powers, there was at least one  Prussia  who was not decided on the point, although strenuously opposed to an exclusive extension of the territory of Austria. It was in accordance with the then policy of Prussia  which, under the ministry of Herzberg, still adhered to the views of Frederick II.  to allow Austria, in return for some concessions^ in favour of Prussia on the Polish frontier, and other changes of territory connected with it, to’ extend her power on the Danube, and to recover Moldavia and Wallachia; or, should that be im-possible, at least those Servian districts which she had possessed after the peace of Passarowitz.

But Prussia did not find herself supported in these views by her own allies, Holland and England. For some time the question respecting the restoration of the strict status quo, or the propriety of some exchanges, occupied the cabinets of these countries. When, however, the danger which threatened from France the whole constitution of the European powers became momentarily more pressing, it was finally resolved, that above all things peace should first be obtained, all idea of change renounced, and the whole of Servia restored to the Turks.

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