
Thursday 30 January 2020

Accompanied by Usun Mirko

At first, Kara George determined on vigorously attacking Belgrade: which he, with his friends

Tscharapitsch, Glawasch, and Miloje, had encompassed, from the Danube to the Save.

Amongst the Krdschalies of Guschanz Ali, was an Albanian of the Greek religion, named Konda, who had, at the commencement of the contest, contributed greatly towards the defence of Belgrade against the Servians; but when the war had changed into a contest between Turks and Chris-tians, he had gone over to the Servians. Many others had done the same; but, of them all, Konda proved the most useful. Displaying boldness and ability at all times, he had already been made Bimbascha; and he now offered to capture the town by an act of hazardous daring. Accordingly, Konda, accompanied by Usun Mirko, a Servian   who was as tall and powerful as his leader was small and alert   and five others who equalled them in valour and resolution, on the 12th of December, 180G, shortly before day-break, approached the trenches of the fortress by which alone the outer town was defended.

Knowing exactly in which direction they might make their way between the numerous watch-towers which had been erected, Konda succeeded in taking his companions through unnoticed. That he might not excite attention, by proceeding directly from the trendies to the gate, he advanced a short distance into the town, and then turned back, and went straight towards the Christians’ Gate. A sentry met him, and demanded “who they were?” Konda replied, “ Momkes of the Usiir-beg,” (a commander of the

Krdschalios) : lie spoke Turkish, and therefore did not excite any suspicion. He thus, Avithout hindrance, got to the rear of the gate-Avatch, and immediately fell on them. It Avas the commencement of the 1 hairain festiAral; and Avhcn the firing Avas heard inthetoAvn, it Avas supposed to be a salute in honour of the day. Konda had time to ovcrpoAvcr the guard: Avho, hoAvever, defended themselves valiantly, and killed four of his companions; and then, though Avounded, he proceeded AvithMirkopvho AAras also wounded, and the one surviving Servian soldier, who Avas unhurt, to force open the gate. On this, Miloje rushed in; and, during the confusion Avliich arose from his attack, Kara George also passed over the trenches. The Turks, aroused, noAV fleAV to defend themselves; and a desperate conflict ensued.

The people Avere firing from all the houses; and, as the dwellings could not be separately attacked, the Servians set fire to them; so that the defenders fled into the streets, where they Averc heAvn doAvn by the SAVords of their enemies. In this conflict, Tscharapitsch, Avho forced a passage at the Stamboul Gate, was killed. By ten o’clock the toAvn Avas captured; but the best troops had throAvn themselves into the citadel.

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