
Friday 31 January 2020

The communication between Boumelia and Bosnia

The Turks encountered him with a strong force, in a position very favourable to them, on the mountain plain of Suwodol ; where there are wide plains on which the Turkish cavalry could ma noeuvre with advantage. Kara George, who, from want of cavalry, had always avoided the plains, with horror saw himself surrounded. He formed the newly organized troops beside his artillery: which, however, could not have saved him. But fortunately, he had also a few horsemen ; and it was one of them, Wule Ilitsch, of Smederewo, who, by means of a daring stratagem, decided the fate of the day. Mounted on his good Arab steed, and accompanied by Moinkes and Bekjares, lie rushed amongst the enemy, at the same time calling out repeatedly in Turkish, “ The Turks are Hying ! ” This produced a panic, and led to the complete defeat of the Pacha.

After this, Kara George was able to pursue his course. He stormed Sjenitza, the ruins of which have been seen by recent travellers; and lie advanced into the territory of Wasojewitscli and Dro  bnjake. The Christian population rose in every direction ; and soon also some of the Montenegrins made their appearance to welcome their victorious brethren. What most excited their admiration were the Servian cannon many of them having never before seen any thing of the kind. A Servian Woiwode remained with them; and thus an union between Servia and Montenegro was effected: ITer  zcgowina, as well as the part of Bosnia already spoken of, joined in the insurrection. A rising of the whole of the population descended from Servian tribes holding the Christian faith, and a general attack on the Mahometans in Bosnia, were now anticipated.

Kara George proceeded forthwith to Xowipasar; which commands almost exclusively the communication between Boumelia and Bosnia, and forms the central point of the high roads, and of the traffic of Bosnia: he drove the garrison into the upper fortress, which did not appear able to hold out long against him.

Here, however, the most unwelcome news reached him from the lower districts.

Favoured by inundations, which had for some time prevented the Russians from passing over the Danube, the Turks, with all their forces from Kiscli, had thrown themselves upon the Servian frontiers near Alexinaz.

More than once, had Peter Dobrinjaz defended these frontier posts successfully and with glory. And at this time, lie was stationed there, with a great number of his countrymen. On Mladen’s recommendation, however, Kara George now entrusted the chief command to Miloje; a man whom Peter was not disposed to obey, and who was himself unable to conquer the hatred which he entertained against Peter and all his adherents. The contest which had hitherto shown itself only in the senate, was thus transferred to the frontier; now in the greatest peril.

The first assault of the Turks took place in June, 1809; when they attacked the fortification near Ivamenitza, which was defended by 8000 men under Stephen Singelitsch, the Ivnes of Ressawer, and the friend of Peter. The Knes made an heroic defence : but he was in need of succour ; which Miloje, with inconceivable blindness, refused him. At length, when the Turks, marching over the bodies of their slaughtered comrades, had crossed the trenches, scaled the walls, and gained the upper hand in the melee, Stephen despaired of being able to maintain his ground ; and, determined not to fall into the hands of the Turks, either dead or alive, he fired the powder magazine, and blew into the air the entire fort   destroying himself with his friends and enemies! The Turks afterwards erected a tower on the road side, near the spot, and inserted amongst the stones of its walls the skulls of the Servians who thus met their death.

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