
Friday 31 January 2020

The communication between Boumelia and Bosnia

The Turks encountered him with a strong force, in a position very favourable to them, on the mountain plain of Suwodol ; where there are wide plains on which the Turkish cavalry could ma noeuvre with advantage. Kara George, who, from want of cavalry, had always avoided the plains, with horror saw himself surrounded. He formed the newly organized troops beside his artillery: which, however, could not have saved him. But fortunately, he had also a few horsemen ; and it was one of them, Wule Ilitsch, of Smederewo, who, by means of a daring stratagem, decided the fate of the day. Mounted on his good Arab steed, and accompanied by Moinkes and Bekjares, lie rushed amongst the enemy, at the same time calling out repeatedly in Turkish, “ The Turks are Hying ! ” This produced a panic, and led to the complete defeat of the Pacha.

After this, Kara George was able to pursue his course. He stormed Sjenitza, the ruins of which have been seen by recent travellers; and lie advanced into the territory of Wasojewitscli and Dro  bnjake. The Christian population rose in every direction ; and soon also some of the Montenegrins made their appearance to welcome their victorious brethren. What most excited their admiration were the Servian cannon many of them having never before seen any thing of the kind. A Servian Woiwode remained with them; and thus an union between Servia and Montenegro was effected: ITer  zcgowina, as well as the part of Bosnia already spoken of, joined in the insurrection. A rising of the whole of the population descended from Servian tribes holding the Christian faith, and a general attack on the Mahometans in Bosnia, were now anticipated.

Kara George proceeded forthwith to Xowipasar; which commands almost exclusively the communication between Boumelia and Bosnia, and forms the central point of the high roads, and of the traffic of Bosnia: he drove the garrison into the upper fortress, which did not appear able to hold out long against him.

Here, however, the most unwelcome news reached him from the lower districts.

Favoured by inundations, which had for some time prevented the Russians from passing over the Danube, the Turks, with all their forces from Kiscli, had thrown themselves upon the Servian frontiers near Alexinaz.

More than once, had Peter Dobrinjaz defended these frontier posts successfully and with glory. And at this time, lie was stationed there, with a great number of his countrymen. On Mladen’s recommendation, however, Kara George now entrusted the chief command to Miloje; a man whom Peter was not disposed to obey, and who was himself unable to conquer the hatred which he entertained against Peter and all his adherents. The contest which had hitherto shown itself only in the senate, was thus transferred to the frontier; now in the greatest peril.

The first assault of the Turks took place in June, 1809; when they attacked the fortification near Ivamenitza, which was defended by 8000 men under Stephen Singelitsch, the Ivnes of Ressawer, and the friend of Peter. The Knes made an heroic defence : but he was in need of succour ; which Miloje, with inconceivable blindness, refused him. At length, when the Turks, marching over the bodies of their slaughtered comrades, had crossed the trenches, scaled the walls, and gained the upper hand in the melee, Stephen despaired of being able to maintain his ground ; and, determined not to fall into the hands of the Turks, either dead or alive, he fired the powder magazine, and blew into the air the entire fort   destroying himself with his friends and enemies! The Turks afterwards erected a tower on the road side, near the spot, and inserted amongst the stones of its walls the skulls of the Servians who thus met their death.

Thursday 30 January 2020

Accompanied by Usun Mirko

At first, Kara George determined on vigorously attacking Belgrade: which he, with his friends

Tscharapitsch, Glawasch, and Miloje, had encompassed, from the Danube to the Save.

Amongst the Krdschalies of Guschanz Ali, was an Albanian of the Greek religion, named Konda, who had, at the commencement of the contest, contributed greatly towards the defence of Belgrade against the Servians; but when the war had changed into a contest between Turks and Chris-tians, he had gone over to the Servians. Many others had done the same; but, of them all, Konda proved the most useful. Displaying boldness and ability at all times, he had already been made Bimbascha; and he now offered to capture the town by an act of hazardous daring. Accordingly, Konda, accompanied by Usun Mirko, a Servian   who was as tall and powerful as his leader was small and alert   and five others who equalled them in valour and resolution, on the 12th of December, 180G, shortly before day-break, approached the trenches of the fortress by which alone the outer town was defended.

Knowing exactly in which direction they might make their way between the numerous watch-towers which had been erected, Konda succeeded in taking his companions through unnoticed. That he might not excite attention, by proceeding directly from the trendies to the gate, he advanced a short distance into the town, and then turned back, and went straight towards the Christians’ Gate. A sentry met him, and demanded “who they were?” Konda replied, “ Momkes of the Usiir-beg,” (a commander of the

Krdschalios) : lie spoke Turkish, and therefore did not excite any suspicion. He thus, Avithout hindrance, got to the rear of the gate-Avatch, and immediately fell on them. It Avas the commencement of the 1 hairain festiAral; and Avhcn the firing Avas heard inthetoAvn, it Avas supposed to be a salute in honour of the day. Konda had time to ovcrpoAvcr the guard: Avho, hoAvever, defended themselves valiantly, and killed four of his companions; and then, though Avounded, he proceeded AvithMirkopvho AAras also wounded, and the one surviving Servian soldier, who Avas unhurt, to force open the gate. On this, Miloje rushed in; and, during the confusion Avliich arose from his attack, Kara George also passed over the trenches. The Turks, aroused, noAV fleAV to defend themselves; and a desperate conflict ensued.

The people Avere firing from all the houses; and, as the dwellings could not be separately attacked, the Servians set fire to them; so that the defenders fled into the streets, where they Averc heAvn doAvn by the SAVords of their enemies. In this conflict, Tscharapitsch, Avho forced a passage at the Stamboul Gate, was killed. By ten o’clock the toAvn Avas captured; but the best troops had throAvn themselves into the citadel.

Wednesday 29 January 2020

Take these 5 albums and listen to them well

So you wanna start college on the right foot by getting that sweet indie cred? You know it’s indispensable nowadays but kinda hard to acquire if you’re a bit clueless on the topic, right? Say no more, just like helps you with your boring assignments, this short list will help you with some essential knowledge about fine taste in music. Take these 5 albums and listen to them well

Neutral Milk Hotel – In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

The cult status of Jeff Mangum is slightly beyond what Jesus or Mohammad are for religious people. He is the prophet of all indie heads who’ve found meaning in their life by shouting the lyrics to ‘Two Headed Boy’ drunk together with friends. You might be thrown off a bit by the ‘seemingly’ out of tune vocals, but you will find that with just a couple of listens of this album you will start memorizing the lyrics. If someone brings up that they’re over NMH already (cause some people always want to be one step ahead) just hit them with the old ‘you never really got it anyway, poser!’.

R.E.M. – Murmur

One of the most ironic things of our decade is that music made by dorks in the 80’s is now appreciated by the coolest kind of people, who back in the day would have never hung around with them. This album is actually ‘college rock’, which was a movement made possible by the existence of college campus radios back in the day, when having everything in the cloud wasn’t an option and people actually heavily relied on the radio to discover new music. Jangle pop, pretty much like indie cred, has the ability to make blandness and dullness fashionable to the point it’s actually interesting. This album is what you’re looking for.

The Velvet Underground – White Light / White Heat

Why this and why not the ‘banana cover’ one? Because this is made after they sacked Warhol and parted ways with Nico, it’s their last recording with John Cale and it’s just usually not the first thing that comes to people’s mind when they think The VU. This is them at their most avant-garde, it has dark humor in it, a lot of unclassifiable songs and of course many druggy guitar solos. With Nico out of the picture the band just threw caution out the window and went for ear-searing noise and a whole lotta experimental stuff.

Wu-Tang Clan – Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)

It’s 2018 and you gotta know that indie cred goes hand in hand with street cred. So you must know the one true classic of hip-hop, 36 Chambers. Go ahead, sing along to Method Man, see what happens. Coming from 1993, a time when G-Funk was big on the West Coast and Jazz Rap was hitting it hard in the East, Wu Tang came up with these godly beats. All that and some phenomenal rapping, of course. So if you ever wanna talk hip hop you need to know what’s up with with this album. Also a great ice breaker is knowing the fact that Method Man’s real name is Marmaduke Thackeray Malthorpe.

Pixies – Doolittle

Last, but definitely not least, we have one of the most influential albums ever, that cemented the power of underground music. The songs are catchy, the hooks are memorable, you can listen to it high, you can listen to it walking, riding the bus or whenever you feel like. It has dark themes at times but it flows with positive energy.

Doolittle is indie rock minimalism with rudimentary (in skill only, objectively speaking) guitar solos and screaming, but it hits hard and it stays with you. I promise.

Monday 6 January 2020

The Council of Trent

Diego Hurtado De Mendoza (1503-1574)

Born of a noble family at Granada, Mendoza was primarily a man of action. We are told that he joined the army of Charles V in Italy where, “like Scipio, he devoted himself at once to literature and to war.” He was ambassador in several Italian cities and was present at the Council of Trent. Some years later, having incurred the King’s displeasure, he withdrew into retirement and wrote a history of the War Against the Moors.

He was extraordinarily active as editor of ancient works, patron of the arts, and student; but it is chiefly to his picaresque romance, Lazarillo de Tormes, that he owes his fame in the modern world. This is probably the first of the so-called Romances of Roguery. Like most of the works of this kind, it is composed of a series of more or less connected incidents, from which one chapter has been selected for inclusion in this collection. It is characterized by great vivacity and good humour.

The present version is reprinted from Thomas Roscoe’s Spanish Novelists, London, no date. The translation is by Thomas Roscoe. The title of the chapter is How Lazaro Served a Bulero, and What Took Place.

How Lazaro Served a Bulero

The fifth master that fortune threw in my way was a Bulero, or a dealer in papal indulgences one of the most impudent and barefaced, yet cleverest rogues, that I have ever seen, or ever shall see. He practised all manner of deceit, and resorted to the most subtle inventions to gain his end.

On his arrival at any place to present his credentials and open his traffic, the first thing he did was to send small presents of no great value to the clergy, by which means he would gain a civil reception and perhaps assistance in his negotiations. He made himself acquainted with the character of these persons; when to some he would say, that he never spoke in Latin, but always preferred a chaste and elegant diction in his native tongue.

To others again, he would talk Latin for two hours; at least so it would seem to those who heard him, although perhaps it was not half that time. When he found that no great success attended his usual endeavors, he would have recourse to artifice; but as a regular account of them would fill a volume, I will only recount one little maneuver, which will give you some idea of his genius and invention.

Share My Choosing Skills With The World

Shopping can be difficult if you are just a girl in the big city. Expectations of people have skyrocketed over past years. Your appearance is everything today, the most vital element of any introduction. People have mastered the art of judging the book by its cover. And you know what they say – if you can beat them, joint with them.

All in all, new challenges make shopping fun. I love buying dresses on but I’ve also mastered the art of picking the right one. This skill did not come overnight and god only knows how many dresses are lost in despicable depth of my wardrobe never to be worn again because I look hideous in them.

And now it’s time to share my choosing skills with the world! Thus my ultimate shopping guide begins!

Choose the style that will represent your body

Clothes can make your waist slimmer, breasts larger or even smaller. Depending on the case – go for what works with you!

Patterns: Vertical lines make you slimmer. Horizontal lines, on the other hand are a stunning optical illusion of enlargement. A bright accent will always attract the eye while concealing some less screaming elements. That’s why shirts with patterns work well while emphasizing your breasts. All in all, play around with this information and decide what you wish to show to the world.

Make sure your dress fits like it was tailored for you. If your clothes fit well they are usually quite comfortable to wear and don’t make your appearance sloppy. Short herm can make you visually shorter and baggy shirts will add some unnecessary weight.

Only buy those clothes that are stunning on you NOW. Those shoes can look godlike but what’s the pint if you’ll walk in them like mama goose? If that one button does not work like it should with that perfect shirt – look for a bigger size; don’t invest in something you might not wear at all.

Forget about fission. If you are not on the stage of any fashion show in Milan – go for the classics. Pair shoes with your purse, mix black with red and white with blue, stay classy. If those hyper-baggy jeans are peaking in trends right now and you are too slim to wear those with grace – don’t even bother.

Choose your clothes based on your skin and hair tones. Red heads with pale skin look great in blues, greens and browns. Blonds can experiment with platinum and cold colors. Darker girls will become a great contrast to white or red dresses.

Complementary colors are your everything! While choosing accessories, go for opposite sides of the color wheel.

Saturday 4 January 2020

Some one’s bed, with no bedclothes on it

“If I have the courage to fulfil my intention,” thought the old man, “the Suspicion will fall on the watchman first of all.”

In the darkness he groped for the steps and the door and entered the hall of the garden-wing, then poked his way into a narrow passage and struck a match. Not a soul was there. Some one’s bed, with no bedclothes on it, stood there, and an iron stove loomed dark in the comer. The seals on the door that led into the prisoner’s room were unbroken.

When the match went out, the old man, trembling from agitation, peeped into the little window.

‘In the prisoner’s room a candle was burning dimly. The prisoner himself sat by the table. Only his back, the hair on his head and his hands were visible. Open books were strewn about on the table, the two chairs, and on the carpet near the table.

Seal door

Five minutes passed and the prisoner never once stirred. Fifteen years’ confinement had taught him to sit motionless. The banker tapped on the window with his finger, but the prisoner made no movement in reply. Then the banker cautiously tore the seals from the door and put the key into the lock. The rusty lock gave a hoarse groan and the door creaked. The banker expected instantly to hear a cry of surprise and the sound of steps. Three minutes passed and it was as quiet inside as it had been before. He made up his mind to enter.

Before the table sat a man, unlike an ordinary human being. It was a skeleton, with tight-drawn skin, with long curly hair like a woman’s, and a shaggy beard. The color of his face was yellow, of an earthy shade; the cheeks were sunken, the back long and narrow, and the hand upon which he leaned his hairy head was so lean and skinny that it was painful to look upon. His hair was already silvering with gray, and no one who glanced at the senile emaciation of the face would have believed that he was only forty years old. On the table, before his bended head, lay a sheet of paper on which something was written in a tiny hand.

“Poor devil,” thought the banker, “he’s asleep and probably seeing millions in his dreams. I have only to take and throw this half-dead thing on the bed, smother him a moment with the pillow, and the most careful examination will find no trace of unnatural death. But, first, let us read what he has written here.”


Some one’s bed, with no bedclothes on it

“If I have the courage to fulfil my intention,” thought the old man, “the Suspicion will fall on the watchman first of all.”

In the darkness he groped for the steps and the door and entered the hall of the garden-wing, then poked his way into a narrow passage and struck a match. Not a soul was there. Some one’s bed, with no bedclothes on it, stood there, and an iron stove loomed dark in the comer. The seals on the door that led into the prisoner’s room were unbroken.

When the match went out, the old man, trembling from agitation, peeped into the little window.

‘In the prisoner’s room a candle was burning dimly. The prisoner himself sat by the table. Only his back, the hair on his head and his hands were visible. Open books were strewn about on the table, the two chairs, and on the carpet near the table.

Seal door

Five minutes passed and the prisoner never once stirred. Fifteen years’ confinement had taught him to sit motionless. The banker tapped on the window with his finger, but the prisoner made no movement in reply. Then the banker cautiously tore the seals from the door and put the key into the lock. The rusty lock gave a hoarse groan and the door creaked. The banker expected instantly to hear a cry of surprise and the sound of steps. Three minutes passed and it was as quiet inside as it had been before. He made up his mind to enter.

Before the table sat a man, unlike an ordinary human being. It was a skeleton, with tight-drawn skin, with long curly hair like a woman’s, and a shaggy beard. The color of his face was yellow, of an earthy shade; the cheeks were sunken, the back long and narrow, and the hand upon which he leaned his hairy head was so lean and skinny that it was painful to look upon. His hair was already silvering with gray, and no one who glanced at the senile emaciation of the face would have believed that he was only forty years old. On the table, before his bended head, lay a sheet of paper on which something was written in a tiny hand.

“Poor devil,” thought the banker, “he’s asleep and probably seeing millions in his dreams. I have only to take and throw this half-dead thing on the bed, smother him a moment with the pillow, and the most careful examination will find no trace of unnatural death. But, first, let us read what he has written here.”


The old jealousy that ever opposes the winner

The Imperialists boast in their despatches, not without..reason, that they had conquered a large portion of the old kingdom of Servia. The inhabitants took it for granted, that they should now remain subjects of the Emperor of Germany. They had everywhere joined him with devotion ; in most districts had rendered him homage; and in several instances had undertaken to defend, conjointly with the Imperial troops, the conquered places against their now common enemy.

But again their hopes were doomed to disappointment.

So soon as it appeared that the designs of the Imperial Courts were likely to be carried into effect, apprehensions arose amongst the other European powers, at seeing the general equilibrium likely to be disturbed by so extensive an increase of territorial possession. The old jealousy that ever opposes the winner, raised itself in favour of the Turks; and it soon became evident that their fall was not to be permitted.

It became doubtful whether their former boundaries should be restored to them. Of the European Powers, there was at least one  Prussia  who was not decided on the point, although strenuously opposed to an exclusive extension of the territory of Austria. It was in accordance with the then policy of Prussia  which, under the ministry of Herzberg, still adhered to the views of Frederick II.  to allow Austria, in return for some concessions^ in favour of Prussia on the Polish frontier, and other changes of territory connected with it, to’ extend her power on the Danube, and to recover Moldavia and Wallachia; or, should that be im-possible, at least those Servian districts which she had possessed after the peace of Passarowitz.

But Prussia did not find herself supported in these views by her own allies, Holland and England. For some time the question respecting the restoration of the strict status quo, or the propriety of some exchanges, occupied the cabinets of these countries. When, however, the danger which threatened from France the whole constitution of the European powers became momentarily more pressing, it was finally resolved, that above all things peace should first be obtained, all idea of change renounced, and the whole of Servia restored to the Turks.

The old jealousy that ever opposes the winner

The Imperialists boast in their despatches, not without..reason, that they had conquered a large portion of the old kingdom of Servia. The inhabitants took it for granted, that they should now remain subjects of the Emperor of Germany. They had everywhere joined him with devotion ; in most districts had rendered him homage; and in several instances had undertaken to defend, conjointly with the Imperial troops, the conquered places against their now common enemy.

But again their hopes were doomed to disappointment.

So soon as it appeared that the designs of the Imperial Courts were likely to be carried into effect, apprehensions arose amongst the other European powers, at seeing the general equilibrium likely to be disturbed by so extensive an increase of territorial possession. The old jealousy that ever opposes the winner, raised itself in favour of the Turks; and it soon became evident that their fall was not to be permitted.

It became doubtful whether their former boundaries should be restored to them. Of the European Powers, there was at least one  Prussia  who was not decided on the point, although strenuously opposed to an exclusive extension of the territory of Austria. It was in accordance with the then policy of Prussia  which, under the ministry of Herzberg, still adhered to the views of Frederick II.  to allow Austria, in return for some concessions^ in favour of Prussia on the Polish frontier, and other changes of territory connected with it, to’ extend her power on the Danube, and to recover Moldavia and Wallachia; or, should that be im-possible, at least those Servian districts which she had possessed after the peace of Passarowitz.

But Prussia did not find herself supported in these views by her own allies, Holland and England. For some time the question respecting the restoration of the strict status quo, or the propriety of some exchanges, occupied the cabinets of these countries. When, however, the danger which threatened from France the whole constitution of the European powers became momentarily more pressing, it was finally resolved, that above all things peace should first be obtained, all idea of change renounced, and the whole of Servia restored to the Turks.

Thursday 2 January 2020

The national Priesthood constituted an important means of resistance

What intestine commotions this produced may be gathered from an event which decided the fate of Montenegro. The metropolitan of Montenegro, Daniel (of the house of Petrowich, and the tribe of Xjegushi) who had been ordained by the emigrated patriarch, Arseni Czernowich, had no sooner ventured to leave his own district than lie was taken prisoner by the Turks, and was liberated only on paying a heavy ransom. Islamism, under the patronage of the government, had already made its way into Montenegro; and Daniel, that at all events he might be free from it in his own diocese, prevailed upon the Christians of that territory to rid themselves, by violence, of their Mahometan brethren.

Accordingly, all who did not turn Christians, or secure their safety by flight, were, on an appointed day, suddenly seized and put to death. The fact cannot be disguised, that by no other means could the Greek Christian faitli have been there maintained unmolested. The Dishop, who had ever possessed the right of nominating his successor during his lifetime (as in that country the dignity of Priests and Archpriests was hereditary), became from that time the head of his nation.

On the advance of the Austrians in 1737 , the Albanians and Servians once more rose in great numbers: their force amounting, it is said, to 20,000; but they were met by the Turks, near the Kolubara, and their entire host slaughtered.

But causes existed, independently of these wars (as appeared afterwards), to produce an entire national defection from the ecclesiastical rule.

An impostor, assuming to be Peter 111., succeeded in gaining credit to his pretensions in Montenegro; and obtained an authority, which extended itself far into the Turkish dominions. He was acknowledged by several bishops; and the then Patriarch of the Servian Church at Ipek, sent [ him a valuable horse as a gift of honour. Upon this the Viziers of Bosnia and Koumelia took the field against him, and succeeded in restricting: his authority to Montenegro ; whither the Patriarch of Ipek was himself compelled to flee for safety.

These events determined the Porte not to suffer the election of another Servian Patriarch. The

dignity was united with that of the Patriarch at Constantinople, over which the Porte exercised undisputed power.* Greek Bishops were in con-sequence placed over the Servian Church.

This proved a heavy blow for the nation. With the independence of the Church, the people were deprived of their last remaining share in the conduct of public affairs; which itself had been in some measure instrumental in advancing civilization. They now for the first time found themselves wholly subject to the Turkish Government at Constantinople.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Look Sexy And Sweet

Plus size women often find it difficult finding swimwear and other apparel in their size at regular department stores and this is because plus-sized shoppers have always been an overlooked demographic.

Most retailers only carry a small inventory of plus size clothing despite the fact that most people are not a size zero to four! With retail space at a premium, the average store will only carry a limited amount of plus size clothing to say nothing of plus-sized swimwear. Plus sizes generally run from size 8 and up, but most retailers will not carry larger sizes for fear they will not sell.

Look Sexy And Sweet In Plus Size Swimwea

With so many Americans considered overweight or obese you would think that retail shelves would be filled with plus-sized clothing, but sadly this is not the case. Surveys have proven that most plus-size women do not buy the majority of their clothing in stores due to poor selection and lack of proper size variations. In fact, most department stores only carry up to size 12.

Finding swimwear in plus sizes is even more difficult in brick-and-mortar stores because many retailers feel plus-size women will not wear swimwear and the items will go unsold. This may have been true at some point but the latest trends in plus-sized swimwear are both flattering and sexy making plus-sized swimwear more appealing, available, and affordable than ever before. Here are some of the changes that have come over the plus-sized swimsuit industry in the last 10 years.

Plus Size Swimwear is Available In Eye Catching Designs And Styles.

The most thorough online retailers will offer a body shape calculator to help you determine which styles will suit your body. Once you have a clear idea of what you want in your swimwear, your online swimsuit shopping experience will be a lot easier. For support, you’ll want to look for a quality material. The best material for plus-sized women is Lycra.

Lycra, commonly known as “Spandex” is highly stretchable and soft. It comes in hundreds of different colors and patterns, so it’s the most versatile swimsuit fabric out there. With high-waisted bikinis and tankinis, plus-size women can enjoy a day at the pool or beach looking their absolute sexiest. With control top panels that trim up the tummy and underwire cup bras, plus-sized swimwear is both fashionable and comfortable.

Gone are the days of basic black, and styles can now be found in a large variety of colors and patterns. With traditional retail stores shying away from plus-sized swimwear and other apparel, online stores with massive selection models such as swimsuitsforall have taken up the slack offering new and trendy swimwear styles.

Plus-Sized Designs and Styles are Now Made to Flatter and Not Simply to Conceal.

Swimwear for plus-size women includes one-piece suits that show off your curves and accentuate your best assets while covering trouble areas with flattering patterns, designs, and colors, as well as trimming and edging additions that provide a slim-down effect.

High waist bottoms slim the waist and tummy while accentuating the thighs, whileruching lengthens the upper body and attracts attention to the chest.

Plus-sized swimwear also combines bright colors to enhance the areas you want to emphasize and dark color to draw away attention from trouble spots to highlight your most attractive features.

So, if you’re a full-figured gal who is looking for a great swimsuit, trust an online retailer with a body type calculator to help you feel comfortable making your selections. An online store like swimsuitsforall offers such a calculator, and also caters specifically and exclusively to plus-size shoppers, virtually guaranteeing a more positive experience. If money is an issue, remember that a year-round retailer will offer great deals as new trends are constantly coming in.

Stock rollover and quick-moving trends mean that there is almost always a sale somewhere online. To see the newest deals, check out new swimwear on sale at swimsuitsforall and get something sexy and chic before the season ends.

More and more women are moving online for their swimsuit shopping needs. A recent article on states that even though two-thirds of American women fall into the plus-size category, many retailers are hesitant to carry more plus-sized clothing and that the fashion industry as a whole is still playing catch up when it comes to plus size fashion. The revolution is online, and you don’t want to miss it!