
Thursday 21 October 2021

From the old farm in Templeton

For the dried-apple sent me by your beloved daughter, from the old farm in Templeton, will you return her my warmest thanks? I brought it with me on my return from Broosa, and wish to assure her that it was very acceptable.

Will you remember me also to your new minister? I once saw him, though he may not recollect me. May he have an unction from the Holy One, and his labors be greatly blessed!

I almost forgot to say that while at Broosa I rode out to see the spot where your beloved children will probably find their last resting-place. It is very retired and romantic, away from the noise of men; and a sweeter spot one need not desire to lie in till the bright morning of the resurrection.

Mrs. Goodell unites in Christian love to all your dear family. Will you remember us and our six little ones in your prayers?

Yours truly and affectionately,


In a communication to the Board, he related some of the incidents of his journey, which are inserted as showing the condition of the interior and the character of the government: —

“Constantinople, July 25, 1837. I left this for Broosa on the 7 th of June, and returned on the 19 th. Broosa is about twenty miles from Mondania, which is a seaport town, situated on the southern shore of the Marmora; and, as the Sea of Marmora is here, including the gulf, full sixty miles across, Broosa cannot be less than eighty miles from Constantinople. I left home at five o’clock in the evening in an open boat, and arrived at Broosa on horseback before the middle of the following day.

Broosa to Constantinople

“ The return from Broosa to Constantinople is often a more serious matter; for, as the north are the prevailing winds, it is necessary in such cases to row all the way back; and, should the wind be strong, a detention at Mondania, or at some place (perhaps an uninhabited one) on the way, may be the consequence. This has happened to myself more than once; and it requires all the patience one can command to keep himself quiet in a place where he can do nothing, enjoy nothing, and perchance find nothing to eat.

“ On the present occasion I was detained from a cause of a still more serious nature. An order had just come from Constantinople to Mondania for a hundred Greeks; and, as it appeared they were designed for the Sultan’s navy, they were particularly sought for from among the boatmen. As might be expected, therefore, the boatmen fled in every direction, and, as they were all Greeks, not a boat could, of course, be found. I went to the governor; but he only exhorted me to patience. The plague was raging in the place, and every hour seemed to me as long as a day.

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