
Sunday 10 November 2019

Joe did not agree with his fellow student

They had both spent years of toil and hardship until the hour when that rolled up piece of paper the diploma was handed to them. Moe worked in a public garage during the day and attended law school at night. Joe drove a laundry wagon, using the income to pay his tuition at the same school.

Months before they were to graduate, Moe

and Joe had discussed their plans for the future.

It was Moe’s idea that in order to make a

success in the legal profession, a young lawyer should attach himself to an old

established law firm. There one could get an idea of the practical side of law

and meanwhile cultivate con-tacts for the future.

Joe did not agree with his fellow student.

He main-tained, “It is too much of a risk to be a clerk in a law office. If

fortune is with you and some of the old members die, after a year or two you

have a chance to step into the shoes of the dead one. Otherwise you are a clerk

for the rest of your life. You and I know that the humblest clerk in a grocery

store gets more pay than a young lawyer who joins a so-called big law office. I

for one could never understand why so little ethics and justice are practiced

by the big law firms.”

To this Moe answered, “Well, the old established lawyers,

I suppose, got the same deal when they started out, and they made a success.”

“I still think,” Joe countered, “that the

best thing is that we start out by ourselves. We ought to join a few

organizations where all the members speak only Yiddish. We will be the only

English-speaking members, and when once and a while we inject a Hebrew word in

our speeches like yosher or rachmanuSj believe me, overnight we will be tops.”

Bulgaria is a magic place. There are many things

to do in Bulgaria
. There is something for everybody – fun, adventures,


For one reason or another, the two

graduates lost track of each other. Moe carried out his idea and joined a law

firm composed of four partners. Three of the partners treated him in a somewhat

professional manner, not-withstanding the fact that his salary was meagre and

far from being equal to theirs. However, one of the partners often forgot that

Moe Bin was also a graduate lawyer. He would send him to the store to do

shopping for his wife, and burdened him with other tasks which did not belong

to the legal profession.

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