
Saturday 2 November 2019

Acquired a most useful art

“ I think,” Saturday answers, “ that you

have acquired a most useful art.” All the other brothers nodded absent.

“ What have you discovered 1 ” said Monday,

turning to Tuesday.

Tuesday began : “ I suppose you will all

laugh when I tell you all about the art I

have learnt. It is the art of picking pockets. I can take anything out of

another person’s hand, be the article small or large, be it held ever so

tightly, without that person being aware of what I am doing.”

“ That is simply marvellous,” they all


“ Now, Wednesday,” says Saturday. “ it’s

your turn to give an account of yourself.”

“ 1 think,” Wednesday remarked, “ I can

surprise you all when I tell you what 1 have learnt to do.”

“ Well, man, speak ! ” interrupted

Saturday. ” What is it ? ”

Wednesday continued: I can improve upon Tuesday’s art of picking pockets, as he calls it.

I can put in my coat pocket anytning, be it large or small, sizt does not count

at all; and no one knows what I have done.”

“ Well, I never,” said Tuesday, “ that is

really ripping.”

“ Come along, Thursday,” cries Wednesday; “

it is your turn now.”

Thursday said: “ What- I have leamt is a very

clever thing.”

“ Just so,” they all cried. “ What is this

very clever thing ? ”

Thursday continues: “ All I have to do is

to cut off a twig of an oak-tree. I then take it in my right hand and I can

heat to the ground any number of men, even if ten thousand come to attack me.”

“ A jolly nne thing,” says Saturday, “ in

war-time. We must tell dear father all about this. I wonder what they will say

at the War Office ? Now, Friday, it’s your turn, please.”

“ I have learnt,” says Friday, “ to shoot

so well that if I aim at a bird’s beak anywhere in the air, and if it have a

seed of corn in its beak, I shall be able to shoot the seed out of its beak

without doing any injurv to the bird or the seed.”

You must be a crack marksman

“ You must be a crack marksman,” observes

Saturday. “And now, if you please, it is my turn to tell you my tale of

adventure. I have discovered how to throw with my right hand anything, even a

millstone, as high as you like, till no one can see it; and I can also catch it

again in my left hand.”

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