
Thursday 14 November 2019

Curate colors to suit your skin tone

It is important to keep in mind that some colors look great

on, while others definitely do not — but why is that? Your skin tone plays a

huge role in deciding for you what colors you tend to pick out in stores and what

colors you often run away from. To ensure that you have a closet filled with

outstanding outfits, make sure that you’re filling out your wardrobe with items

that flatter your skin tone. For those with cool complexions, garments in

white, black, grey, silver and blue look great. On the other hand, for those

with warm undertones, brown, yellow, gold, olive and red are perfect choices.

Also, for those with very pale or very dark complexions, bright pops of color

look great against the skin.

Combine fitted & loose

The eternal debate of fitted vs loose clothing: which is

more flattering?! It turns out that both are when paired together! Though tight

clothes and loose clothes have both come in and out of fashion, it is apparent

that the two styles are best when cleverly combined. Consider the above image:

tight, black skinny jeans and a loose-fitting grey sweater. The loose top adds

volume so that it is proportional to the lower half of the body. The mix and

match style of this outfit gives great balance and accentuates the shape of the


Layer, layer, layer

Layering can take an outfit from plain, dull and blah to

inspirational and truly magical. Though it can be difficult to do successfully,

it is a skill that requires a variety of basic and trendy items that suit your

shape, skin tone and style. The key to layering well is to experiment with

different tops, blouses and jackets you have. Consider wearing a plain tee

under a colorful dress, a trench coat with a mini skirt, or fishnet stockings

underpants! Or, simply layer a fashionable coat over a plain top. Get creative

with the different pieces you have and the results can be seriously inspired.

Mix & match your prints & patterns (but don’t overdo it)

This is one of those tips that should be done with a bit of

caution: to mix and match your patterns and prints well, make sure that the

various styles complement each other rather than clash.

In general, patterns are an excellent way to add some flair

to your life: using multiple patterns can take your wardrobe a step further

into stylish brilliance. Having basic color-blocked items in your wardrobe is

great, but consider sprucing up your style with stripes, checkered prints,

plaid, florals, animal print or polka dots! To keep your patterns and prints

from clashing, try choosing one focal pattern with a secondary pattern

accenting the outfit. Or, you could also opt for two patterns with color

palettes that match or complement the other. (The outfit above does both!)

Wednesday 13 November 2019

The prerequisites for inflation do not exist at present

“The threatening scenarios are a factor. They cannot be ignored.”

Tnvestors found themselves staring spellbound at the quotation boards A of financial markets in mid-March. The inferno in Japan had stoked uncertainty in particular, which was already high due to the uprisings in North Africa and the sharp rise in the oil price. Christian Ohswald, Manager of Private Banking at Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederdsteneich- Wien, puts it thus: “The threatening scenarios are a factor. You cannot simply ignore the levels of national debt now prevalent in European periphery countries, the problems in the Arab world, or the situation in Japan.”

The signs were positive when it came to saving the euro, at least, after heads of government in the Eurozone states reached an agreement to double the euro rescue package. On the other hand, the rise in inflation, which reached 2.4 percent in the Eurozone in February, continues to generate concern. Susanne Hollinger, Private Banking Manager ofErste Bank, commented: “The rate of inflation has risen in Europe.

But I’m not expecting to see a further sharp increase in the near future, however, or even inflation spiralling out of control.” Jurgen Danzmayr, Head of Private Banking at Bank Austria, went on: “For inflation actually to experience a lasting rise, the wage-price-spiral needs to begin spiralling very quickly, and the preconditions for this don’t exist at present.

Those still wishing to play it safe can invest part of their assets in inflation-linked bonds. According to Marcel Landesmann, Chair of the Board of Directors at Bank Vontobel Osterreich, however, wise heads will not pursue such a strategy too brashly. Landesmann: “Inflation could rise to three percent in the medium term. Buying inflation-linked bonds only makes sense, however, if the increase actually turns out to be higher.” Raiffeisen expert Ohswald agrees: “inflation-proof bonds do not protect you against rising real rates of interest. In a scenario of that nature, they need to be handled as carefully as traditional government bonds.”

“Inflation could rise to three percent in the medium term.”

Where shares are concerned, the paper form continues to point to useful opportunities. However, investors should not flirt with the idea that the large profits that could be generated on many stock exchanges between March 2009 and the beginning of this year will continue unabated. In light of the precarious situation in the crisis spots of the world, moreover, investors will need to factor in often heavy price fluctuations on markets. From the point of view of share evaluation, at least, exchanges are well placed.

The securities of the world share index, MSCI World, are still reasonably valued with a price-eamings ratio of 13 based on profit estimates for 2011 as a whole. While investment experts particularly liked stock exchanges in emerging markets last year, the pendulum has now swung back in the other direction.

Private Banking Head Danzmayr: “The trend is positive in the USA and Europe, and particularly France and Germany in the latter. Measured by their price-earnings ratios, European shares are 30 percent cheaper than papers on Wall Street on average. On top of that, the average dividend yield in Europe is still 1.6 percentage points above US securities.”


Tuesday 12 November 2019

The Sunglasses Fix

The way we shop for clothes has changed. Gone are the days

of buying good-quality clothes designed to last a lifetime. Today’s fashion is

fast and throwaway. A study by British Children’s Charity, Barnardos showed

that women in the UK wear clothes a shameful average of seven times before

discarding them. The mainstream fashion industry is known to abuse cheap labour

and the impact of all that textile production on the environment is disastrous.

So what can you do to turn back the clock? You can start by

investing in these five fashion buys that should last you a lifetime!

Fix Your Sunglasses

As a general rule, you should pay more for any garment or

accessory you’re going to wear every day. Once you find the perfect pair of

sunglasses, you never want to take them off. And you shouldn’t have to.

It’s no coincidence that you can always find great designer

sunglasses in vintage shops. Take care of your sunglasses and they can last you

a lifetime. If your glasses lenses become scratched, repair them.

Companies like the Sunglasses Fix offer replacement lenses

for a huge range of frames. The Sunglasses Fix will show you exactly how to

install your new lenses and even help with small DIY repairs like tightening

your frames.

Take Care of Your Leather Boots

A pair of high-quality leather boots should last for as long

as you love wearing them. When choosing leather boots, keep an eye on quality.

Full-grain leather is the best, it has imperfections but is supremely flexible

and durable. Top grain leather is also very good but is sanded to remove

imperfections so is a little thinner than full-grain. Bonded leather should be

avoided as it’s essentially a mash-up of leather scraps forged into new


Here are few maintenance tips to get maximum mileage out of

your leather boots:

Moisturise your boots with leather conditioner

Protect your boots from the elements with a protective spray

Store your boots in boot trees to maintain their shape

Visit your local cobbler to repair damage to heels and


Buy Jeans That Last

Buy Clothes made from Natural Fibres

Jeans are at the forefront of the long-lasting fashion

revolution. Levi Strauss first invented blue jeans in 1873 for working men.

Blue denim had been used for workers’ clothes for centuries but even the most

durable fabric didn’t last long when worn by railroad worker and miners.

Strauss introduced rivets at key points in his blue working men’s trousers.

Jeans were invented and the world never looked back.

Certain forward-thinking companies have sprung into action

to fill a gap in the jeans market and reduce waste at the same time. Kickstart

venture Half Century Jeans promises jeans with a fifty-year guarantee!

Invest in Outdoor Wear with a Repair Guarantee

Whether you’re skiing, hiking or spelunking, your outdoor

wear goes through a lot. Most outdoor wear is pricey so durability is expected.

But some outdoor wear brands go a step further and offer a lifetime guarantee

on their garments, promising to replace or refund gear for free.

The environmental perk of buying these brands is their

forward-thinking approach to repairs. Instead of getting a brand new product

every time you notice a tear, many outdoor brands will mend it. Simple but


lothes made from high-quality natural fibres will last

longer. Natural fibres are renewable and biodegradable. And producing materials

like organic cotton uses none of the chemical processes used to create

synthetic materials. If you buy clothes made from natural fibres that are ultra

high-quality and made sustainably, even better!

A handful of new durability-focussed companies are creating

clothes fitting this description that are actually affordable. Tom Cridland

launched the 30-Year Sweatshirt in 2015. Cridland’s hand-crafted garments are

made from Italian cotton and backed with an outstanding 30-year guarantee.

Joining the long-lasting fashion revolution doesn’t need to

cost you more. Make better choices about what you buy and good care of your

purchases and you too could be a revolutionary!

Monday 11 November 2019

Virginia and Tennessee

James Lane Allen (1849-1925)

James Lane Allen was born near Lexington, Ky., in 1849. He was largely self-educated, and began writing at a comparatively early age. His novels and stories are the expression for the most part of Southern life and character.

King Solomon of Kentucky is a typical story, leisurely, vivid and without obvious artifice. The story is reprinted from the volume Flute and Violin, Century Co., 1891, by permission of the James Lane Allen Estate and the publishers.

King Solomon of Kentucky

It had been a year of strange disturbances a desolating drought, a hurly-burly of destructive tempests, killing frosts in the tender valleys, mortal fevers in the tender homes. Now came tidings that all day the wail of myriads of locusts was heard in the green woods of Virginia and Tennessee; now that Lake Erie was blocked with ice on the very verge of summer, so that in the Niagara new rocks and islands showed their startling faces. In the Blue-grass Region of Kentucky countless caterpillars were crawling over the ripening apple orchards md leaving the trees as stark as when tossed in the thin air of bitter February days.

Then, flying low and heavily through drought and tempest and frost and plague, like the royal presence of disaster, that had been but heralded by its mournful train, came nearer and nearer the dark angel of the pestilence.

M. Xaupi had given a great ball only the night before in the dancing-rooms over the confectionery of M. Giron that M. Giron who made the tall pyramids of meringues and macaroons for wedding suppers, and spun around them a cloud of candied webbing as white and misty as the veil of the bride. It was the opening cotillon party of the summer.

The men came in blue cloth coats with brass buttons, buff waistcoats, and laced and ruffled shirts; the ladies came in white satins with ethereal silk overdresses, embroidered in the figure of a gold beetle or an oak leaf of green. The walls of the ballroom were painted to represent landscapes of blooming orange-trees, set here and there in clustering tubs; and the chandeliers and sconces were lighted with in-numerable wax-candles, yellow and green and rose.

Only the day before, also, Clatterbuck had opened for the summer a new villa-house, six miles out in the country, with a dancing-pavilion in a grove of maples and oaks, a pleasure-boat on a sheet of crystal water, and a cellar stocked with old sherry, Sauterne, and Chateau Margaux wines, with anisette, “Perfect Love,” and Guigholet cordials.


Sunday 10 November 2019

Joe did not agree with his fellow student

They had both spent years of toil and hardship until the hour when that rolled up piece of paper the diploma was handed to them. Moe worked in a public garage during the day and attended law school at night. Joe drove a laundry wagon, using the income to pay his tuition at the same school.

Months before they were to graduate, Moe

and Joe had discussed their plans for the future.

It was Moe’s idea that in order to make a

success in the legal profession, a young lawyer should attach himself to an old

established law firm. There one could get an idea of the practical side of law

and meanwhile cultivate con-tacts for the future.

Joe did not agree with his fellow student.

He main-tained, “It is too much of a risk to be a clerk in a law office. If

fortune is with you and some of the old members die, after a year or two you

have a chance to step into the shoes of the dead one. Otherwise you are a clerk

for the rest of your life. You and I know that the humblest clerk in a grocery

store gets more pay than a young lawyer who joins a so-called big law office. I

for one could never understand why so little ethics and justice are practiced

by the big law firms.”

To this Moe answered, “Well, the old established lawyers,

I suppose, got the same deal when they started out, and they made a success.”

“I still think,” Joe countered, “that the

best thing is that we start out by ourselves. We ought to join a few

organizations where all the members speak only Yiddish. We will be the only

English-speaking members, and when once and a while we inject a Hebrew word in

our speeches like yosher or rachmanuSj believe me, overnight we will be tops.”

Bulgaria is a magic place. There are many things

to do in Bulgaria
. There is something for everybody – fun, adventures,


For one reason or another, the two

graduates lost track of each other. Moe carried out his idea and joined a law

firm composed of four partners. Three of the partners treated him in a somewhat

professional manner, not-withstanding the fact that his salary was meagre and

far from being equal to theirs. However, one of the partners often forgot that

Moe Bin was also a graduate lawyer. He would send him to the store to do

shopping for his wife, and burdened him with other tasks which did not belong

to the legal profession.

Saturday 9 November 2019


Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you don’t feel like eating that particular food at that particular hour on that particular day, your choice is easy: Bread and cheese.

Why use salad dressing?

Just use it. We’ve thought of everything. Every salad has a different dressing. Olive oil and lemon juice, for example, on the classic green salad. Not only does it enhance the flavor, it also aids in the absorption of vitamin A.

What are the fine points of using sauces?

They come in little packets as you know. Don’t forget to shake them a little first to mix the contents. And after you pour them over the food, wait a minute or so for the flavor to penetrate.

The eggplants are purchased from suppliers in the central produce market. The condition: a quality product at a reasonable price. After passing quality control, the eggplants are washed, cleaned and chopped differently for roasting, saksuka and imambayildi.

They are two-thirds cooked when they ’re put on the plane. Still to come are the final third of cooking time and then the garnish with fresh herbs. The process is definitely not reheating but continuation of the cooking. This is a very important point.


An ancient story describes a confrontation between the sons of Adam. In a fit of jealousy Cain kills his brother Abel with a rock.

If there is anything that has not changed since that earliest story in the history of man it is the tools and weapons of war. Is it possible that technology might not have become a threat to mankind?

Bon Thomas programmed the first computer program that was dubbed a virus by virtue of its ability to duplicate itself on various platforms despite not being a living organism in 1970 for experimental purposes. For many years computer programmers wrote viruses to show off their intelligence and stroke their egos.

The internet, which became a global communications network starting in the 1990’s, provided a perfect environment for the use of viruses to steal personal information for profit. In 1998 the world became acquainted with a virus called CIH and got a big shock because CIH could damage computers’ BIOS micro processors and cause hardware problems that were very difficult, even impossible, to fix.

Until 2010 we did not encounter other viruses that could cause significant hardware problems. But everything is about to change…


Friday 8 November 2019

Even the most qualified

One long table in a private dining room was sur-rounded by

a group of young girls, evidently sorority sisters.

Most of them were smoking cigarettes,

puffing the smoke upward to the ceiling. Even the most qualified

anthropologists would not have been able to tell that they were Jewish. It

seems that the characteristic Jewish nose is disappearing. . . .

At another table, a group of young rabbis,

most of them former chaplains, were entertaining one of their colleagues who

had just returned from the Pacific after serving for over two years. Some of

them had their reb- betzins with them. They urged their guest that he too get

married. To which he explained, “As soon as I get a pulpit, I’ll start looking

for a life companion.”

At another table four real estate men were studying a blueprint of a building. They studied it silently… After all, real estate has a lot of secrets and the walls have ears. However, the quiet of the room was disturbed when a cup of coffee was spilled over the blueprints and some of its hot contents poured over the trousers of one of the company.

In the center of the club, eight young women sur-rounded an elderly lady all of them acting in a dignified manner though one could detect a feeling of uneasiness. This was true of all except one who was making noise with her soup, assuming an attitude of “what do I care!’

All in all for one who wanted to enjoy a

peaceful meal this was the ideal evening.

Suddenly the door of the kitchen opened and

out came one of the waitresses carrying a huge cake with candles in it.

She brought it over to the table where the elderly lady and the eight young women were sitting. The song followed “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. …

Ordinarily under such circumstances people

join in singing this beautiful song. This time, however, the sing-ing was

limited to the young women at the table with the old lady. The rest of the

guests did not participate. They merely raised their heads in the direction of

the table.

The sorority sisters broke into snickers.

The old lady was almost exhausted in trying

to blow out the candles on the cake.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosovsky were driving home

in their automobile after a heavy dinner at the club. They were discussing the

birthday party at length.

“I can’t understand it,” Mrs. Rosovsky

remarked. “I know Mrs. Pinsk well. I know her husband and I knew her children

when they were quite young. Since they have a fine home of their own, why have

a birthday party in public and disturb other people who are not interested?”

Thursday 7 November 2019

Stephen Crane 1871-1900

Crane has only recently received due credit for his stories. True, his Red Badge of Courage made quite a stir in the nineties, but apart from that book, he was not well-known until some four or five years ago. He was a free-lance writer to the end of his short life. His best work is found in his few volumes of short tales, war stories and stories of contemporary life. He was a war-correspondent in the Balkans and Cuba, though he wrote his most striking war stories before he had ever witnessed a battle. He was not a trick-story writer; he was neither facile nor ingenious; his work at its best is the sound product of an honest artist.

This story is from Men, Women, and Boats, published in 1921 by Boni & Liveright, New York. It is here reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf.

A Dark-Brown Dog

A child was standing on a street-corner. He leaned with one shoulder against a high board fence and swayed the other to and fro, the while kicking carelessly at the gravel.

Sunshine beat upon the cobbles, and a lazy summer wind raised yellow dust which trailed in clouds down the avenue. Clattering trucks moved with indistinctness through it. The child stood dreamily gazing. After a time, a little dark-brown dog came trotting with an intent air down the sidewalk. A short rope was dragging from his neck. Occasionally he trod upon the end of it and stumbled.

He stopped opposite the child, and the two regarded each other. The dog hesitated for a moment, but presently he made some little advances with his tail. The child put out his hand and called him. In an apologetic manner the dog came close, and the two had an interchange of friendly pattings and waggles. The dog became more enthusiastic with each moment of the interview, until with his gleeful caperings he threatened to overturn the child. Whereupon the child lifted his hand and struck the dog a blow upon the head.

This thing seemed to overpower and astonish the little dark-brown dog, and wounded him to the heart. He sank down in despair at the child’s feet. When the blow was repeated, together with an admonition in childish sentences, he turned over upon his back, and held his paws in a peculiar manner. At the same time with his ears and his eyes he offered a small prayer to the child.

He looked so comical on his back, and holding his paws peculiarly, that the child was greatly amused and gave him little taps repeatedly, to keep him so. But the little dark-brown dog took this chastisement in the most serious way, and no doubt considered that he had committed some grave crime, for he wriggled contritely and showed his repentance in every way that was in his power. He pleaded with the child and petitioned him, and offered more prayers.

At last the child grew weary of this amusement and turned-toward home. The dog was praying at the time. He lay on his back and turned his eyes upon the retreating form.

Presently he struggled to his feet and started after the child. The latter wandered in a perfunctory way toward his home, stopping at times to investigate various matters. During one of these pauses he discovered the little dark-brown dog who was following him with the air of a footpad.


Wednesday 6 November 2019

Lena is not convinced

Lena is not convinced, so Mrs. Brody

continues. “And suppose I do cough a little . . . nu . . . so babies cough too.

The milk and honey I get nowadays helps a lot, danken Gott. And believe me,

every minute you spend in the country will be like a year of joy for me. Who

can tell . . . you may meet your mazel there. If mazel doesn’t show up one

time, with God’s help it comes the next. My mother, may she rest in peace,

always used to say, ‘Good luck is a teaser.’ ”

“Mamma dear,” Lena pleads, ‘‘I will borrow

a few dollars and we will both go. Yes mother, both of us, and we will have a

good time.”

“Oh, no, daughter dear! Borrow money for

pleasure? Your mother doesn’t go to the country on other people’s money. I am

not a society lady, I am not, danken

Gott, one of those who order packages

shipped out from the grocery every week and return to the city after the

vacation is over to find that the grocery man is bankrupt because, the

pleasurnikes did not pay for what they ate and drank and entertained company.”

Lena says, feeling sure that her mother will agree

“Then I have another plan,” Lena says,

feeling sure that her mother will agree. “My boss allows me a week vacation. So

I’ll stay in the country for three days, and you go out there for the remaining


“With God there remains yet many days.

Another time, not now,” replies Mrs. Brody hastily, running to the kitchen, for

she feels her cough commencing to choke her again.


to Bulgaria
shouldn’t be missed. Trust me, plan your Bulgarian holiday,

pack your luggage, get your cameras and good mood and let Bulgaria show its

beauty to you.

The daughter has little choice. The open

fields, the clean water of the country draw her like a powerful magnet. But she

knows that she will not enjoy it if her mother is not there to share it.

Last summer, in the country, she made the

acquaint-ance of a new friend. She saw him quite often after that until he

passed out of her life. Perhaps this year she will meet him again.

Is it possible she did not encourage him

enough? Is it because she always spoke of her responsibility to her mother?

Perhaps this year she will meet him again. . . .

That same afternoon Lena kisses her mother

goodbye, and before Lena has entered the train for the trip to the country her

mother is already breathing easier. . . . She returns home highly contented.

For now she may cough freely. . . .

Tuesday 5 November 2019

You appear like a really previous man

He went to the cemetery of Koptos with the clergymen of Isis and the excessive priest of Isis. They dug about for 3 days and three nights, for they searched even in all of the catacombs, which have been within the cemetery of Koptos; they turned over the steles of the scribes of the “double home of life,” and browse the inscriptions that they discovered on them. Nevertheless, they may not discover the resting place of Ahura and Merab.

Now Na.nefer.ka.ptah perceived that they may not discover the resting place of Ahura and her little one Merab. Due to this fact, he raised himself up as a venerable, very previous historic, and got here earlier than Setna. As well as, Setna noticed him, and Setna mentioned to the traditional: “You appear like a really previous man; have you learnt the place the resting place of Ahura and her little one Merab is?”

The traditional mentioned to Setna: “It was advised by the daddy of the daddy of my father to the daddy of my father, and the daddy of my father has advised it to my father; the resting place of Ahura and of her little one Merab is in a mound south of the city of Pehemato.” As well as, Setna mentioned to the traditional, “Maybe we could do injury to Pehemato, and you might be prepared to steer one to the city for the sake of that.” The traditional replied to Setna: “If one listens to me, shall he due to this fact destroy the city of Pehemato!

Youngster Merab

If they don’t discover Ahura and her little one Merab underneath the south nook of their city could I be disgraced.” They attended to the traditional, and located the resting place of Ahura and her little one Merab underneath the south nook of the city of Pehemato. Setna laid them within the royal boat to deliver them as honored individuals, and restored the city of Pehemato because it initially was. And Na.nefer.ka.ptah made Setna to know that it was he who had come to Koptos, to allow them to search out out the place the resting place was of Ahura and her little one Merab.

Due to this fact, Setna left the haven within the royal boat, sailed with out stopping, and reached Memphis with all of the troopers who have been with him. And once they advised the King he got here all the way down to the royal boat. He took them as honored individuals escorted to the catacombs, by which Na.nefer.ka.ptah was, and smoothed down the bottom over them.


Monday 4 November 2019

The kind-hearted teacher

The kind-hearted teacher answered them

thus: “ Dear pupils ! I must admit that you are perfectly tight in all that you

say. I am truly beholden to all of you for your loyalty and untiring devotion

to me in my misfortune, sharing with me all the stress of poverty and bad luck.

I cannot for one moment blame you for desiring to return home. Yet let me beg

of you to have a little more patience, and to stay with me but one more week.

If, at the end of the coming seven days, the good God. whose Holy Name be

praised from now to all eternity, deem it beat to help us. well and good, and

we will all return home together. If. on the other hand, our Heavenly Father in

His abounding mercy desire to try us, His will be done, and you shall all

return home without any further let or hindranee on my part.”’

The disciples consented to this proposal

with-out any discussion. Next day the Rabbi re-quested them to leave him for a

while, whilst he proceeded to the woods near by. “ 1 will try,” said he, “ to

think out some plan to help us all in our dire plight.” “ God be with you,”

they replied, and he went of! alone. Barely had he reached the woods vvhen he

saw a little weasel with a golden ring in its mouth. “ Now I wonder,” says he

to himself, “ what’s the use of a golden ring to a little weasel ? If I had it

I could sell it and have enough money to feed my hungry friends and myself. It

would be sufficient to keep us going for at least a week.” He began to run

after the weasel. This frightened the little thing, and in its haste to escape

it dropped the ring The Rabbi picked it up and looked at it very attentively.

On the surface it was quite smooth, but inside the following words were very

beautifully engraved :

“ For small price was I sold, My worth is untold gold! ”

The lucky finder recognised at once that

this was no ordinary ring. “ What sort of ring is it ? ” he mused. “ I fancy it

is a magic ring, and the one who wears it has only to wish for something and

the wish is sure to be fulfilled there and then. Now,” said he aloud, “ let me

just try and see if this be the case. What shall I desire ? Dear God, please

help me in my poverty and just give me a small purse full of money.” The words

were barely uttered when he saw in front of him at hit* feet a purse full of

coin. “ Now, indeed,” he exclaimed, with great joy in hi** heart and a happy

smile on his face, “ has God helped us! ”

Sunday 3 November 2019


And when the next day came, and the earth was lightened, the acacia was cut down. And Anpu, the elder brother of Bata, entered his house, and washed his hands; and one gave him a cup of beer, and it became troubled; and one gave him another of wine, and the smell of it was evil. Then he took his staff, and his sandals, and likewise his clothes, with his weapons of war; and he betook himself forth to the valley of the acacia.

He entered the tower of his younger brother, and he found him lying upon his mat; he was dead. And he wept when he saw his younger brother verily lying dead. And he went out to seek the soul of his younger brother under the acacia tree, under which his younger brother lay in the evening. He spent three years in seeking for it, but found it not. And when he began the fourth year, he desired in his heart to return into Egypt; he said, “I will go to-morrow morn.” Thus spoke he in his heart.

Under the acacia

Now when the land lightened, and the next day appeared, he was walking under the acacia; he was spending his time in seeking it. And he returned in the evening, and labored at seeking it again. He found a seed. He returned with it. Behold this was the soul of his younger brother. He brought a cup of cold water, and he cast the seed into it: and he sat down, as he was wont.

Now when the night came his soul sucked up the water; Bata shuddered in all his limbs, and he looked on his elder brother; his soul was in the cup. Then Anpu took the cup of cold water, in which the soul of his younger brother was; Bata drank it, his soul stood again in its place, and he became as he had been. They embraced each other, and they conversed together.

And Bata said to his elder brother: “Behold I am to become as a great bull, which bears every good mark; no one knower its history, and thou must sit upon my back. When the sun arises I shall be in the place where my wife is, that I may return answer to her; and thou must take me to the place where the King is. For all good things shall be done for thee; for one shall lade thee with silver and gold, because thou briniest me to Pharaoh, for I become a great marvel, and they It hall rejoice for me in all the land. And thou shalt go to thy village.”


Saturday 2 November 2019

Acquired a most useful art

“ I think,” Saturday answers, “ that you

have acquired a most useful art.” All the other brothers nodded absent.

“ What have you discovered 1 ” said Monday,

turning to Tuesday.

Tuesday began : “ I suppose you will all

laugh when I tell you all about the art I

have learnt. It is the art of picking pockets. I can take anything out of

another person’s hand, be the article small or large, be it held ever so

tightly, without that person being aware of what I am doing.”

“ That is simply marvellous,” they all


“ Now, Wednesday,” says Saturday. “ it’s

your turn to give an account of yourself.”

“ 1 think,” Wednesday remarked, “ I can

surprise you all when I tell you what 1 have learnt to do.”

“ Well, man, speak ! ” interrupted

Saturday. ” What is it ? ”

Wednesday continued: I can improve upon Tuesday’s art of picking pockets, as he calls it.

I can put in my coat pocket anytning, be it large or small, sizt does not count

at all; and no one knows what I have done.”

“ Well, I never,” said Tuesday, “ that is

really ripping.”

“ Come along, Thursday,” cries Wednesday; “

it is your turn now.”

Thursday said: “ What- I have leamt is a very

clever thing.”

“ Just so,” they all cried. “ What is this

very clever thing ? ”

Thursday continues: “ All I have to do is

to cut off a twig of an oak-tree. I then take it in my right hand and I can

heat to the ground any number of men, even if ten thousand come to attack me.”

“ A jolly nne thing,” says Saturday, “ in

war-time. We must tell dear father all about this. I wonder what they will say

at the War Office ? Now, Friday, it’s your turn, please.”

“ I have learnt,” says Friday, “ to shoot

so well that if I aim at a bird’s beak anywhere in the air, and if it have a

seed of corn in its beak, I shall be able to shoot the seed out of its beak

without doing any injurv to the bird or the seed.”

You must be a crack marksman

“ You must be a crack marksman,” observes

Saturday. “And now, if you please, it is my turn to tell you my tale of

adventure. I have discovered how to throw with my right hand anything, even a

millstone, as high as you like, till no one can see it; and I can also catch it

again in my left hand.”

Friday 1 November 2019

Advice For Musicians

My advice for artists, songwriters and producers moving forward, first and foremost, is that you have to practice, you have to be great and you have to write incredible songs. Your music has to be wonderful, and that is the main thing you have to focus on. If you don I do that, your chances of success are extremely low.

The Internet is a highly efficient means of rewarding a quality experience, so if you ‘re not great, you ‘re probably not going to have a career as a musician.

The second thing is to have a business partner. It could be a business associate you work with who helps you manage your business, helps you figure out how you ’re going to make money, learns the new technologies and how to exploit them and helps get you in front of audiences and helps you promote yourself.

Berklee Music

Ten years ago we created an online school called Berkleemusic focusing on delivering online music education, via distance learning. Most of our online students are active in the music industry and are struggling to retool their skills and knowledge to take advantage of the changes affecting the way that music is produced, marketed and distributed.

The online courses and programs are all about creating music, writing it, recording it, mixing it, arranging it, editing it, mastering it, and using software and other technologies to help produce and distribute music. We have a lot of performers studying online, improving their skills, learning different instruments, learning both beginning level and advanced instrument techniques and different styles of music and how to perform.

We also offer songwriting courses, for people involved in writing or composing for film or television or video games. We also offer music theory, harmony, ect.


Dave Kusek is Vice President of Berklee College of Music and the Co-Author of The Future of Music. He is a digital music executive and is responsible for helping to create the market for digital music. He founded the first music software company, Passport Designs, which made it possible for musicians to record and produce their music at home.

Kusek is also a co-developer of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) industry standard that opened up electronic music to millions of people. Kusek is currently the CEO at where he has created the world’s largest online music school teaching over 15,000 students a year globally. Dave Kusek is a frequent speaker at Midem, MacWorld, Comdex, NAMM, AES, IEBA, NBC-TV, the Nightly Business Report, NPR, and the BBC.
