
Tuesday 31 December 2019

The Internet is a highly efficient means

My advice for artists, songwriters and producers moving forward, first and foremost, is that you have to practice, you have to be great and you have to write incredible songs. Your music has to be wonderful, and that is the main thing you have to focus on. If you don I do that, your chances of success are extremely low.

The Internet is a highly efficient means of rewarding a quality experience, so if you ‘re not great, you ‘re probably not going to have a career as a musician.

The second thing is to have a business partner. It could be a business associate you work with who helps you manage your business, helps you figure out how you ’re going to make money, learns the new technologies and how to exploit them and helps get you in front of audiences and helps you promote yourself.

Berklee Music

Ten years ago we created an online school called Berkleemusic focusing on delivering online music education, via distance learning. Most of our online students are active in the music industry and are struggling to retool their skills and knowledge to take advantage of the changes affecting the way that music is produced, marketed and distributed.

The online courses and programs are all about creating music, writing it, recording it, mixing it, arranging it, editing it, mastering it, and using software and other technologies to help produce and distribute music. We have a lot of performers studying online, improving their skills, learning different instruments, learning both beginning level and advanced instrument techniques and different styles of music and how to perform.

We also offer songwriting courses, for people involved in writing or composing for film or television or video games. We also offer music theory, harmony, ect.


Dave Kusek is Vice President of Berklee College of Music and the Co-Author of The Future of Music. He is a digital music executive and is responsible for helping to create the market for digital music. He founded the first music software company, Passport Designs, which made it possible for musicians to record and produce their music at home.

Kusek is also a co-developer of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) industry standard that opened up electronic music to millions of people. Kusek is currently the CEO at where he has created the world’s largest online music school teaching over 15,000 students a year globally. Dave Kusek is a frequent speaker at Midem, MacWorld, Comdex, NAMM, AES, IEBA, NBC-TV, the Nightly Business Report, NPR, and the BBC.


Sunday 29 December 2019

Learn An Instrument

Learning how to play music is a valuable skill at any age, but when a young child picks up an instrument, the benefits skyrocket. Music has a profound effect on a developing mind, and weekly lessons offer several mental and physical benefits.

As a kind of calisthenics of the mind, each lesson challenges and strengthens your child’s cognitive abilities.

For several decades now, medical professionals have studied the effects of music on the brain, and they’ve found that it actually makes children (and adults) smarter. By several IQ points, no less. New research suggests that music affects the structure of the brain, especially in the left hemisphere, which is where the ability to read and play music develops.

It’s also where language comprehension is cultivated, which is why those children enrolled in music lessons have stronger language, math, and reasoning skills than those that aren’t. This translates intosuperior performances at school, as they’re better at communicating,problem solving, and understanding and processing instructions than their cohorts.


If this wasn’t enough to enroll your child into music lessons straight away, then here’s more reason to. Music lessons also help to develop your child’s physical skills, too. Extreme co-ordination and motor skills are necessary to play any musical instrument – especially piano.

Think about rubbing your stomach and tapping your head at the same time, and that’s practically what you’re doing when you play the piano. The action requires concentration and dexterity. When sat in front of the keyboard, the left and right hand have to play notes simultaneously as your child reads off both the treble and bass clefs. With practice, your child will improve their ambidexterity and timing.

With improved dexterity and a stronger mind, your child is sure to find success early on in life. So why delay in introducing music in their life any longer? As early as 5 years old, you can begin prepping your child for his or her best life with formalized music lessons.

To find beginner music lessons for kids in your area, visit your local Long & McQuade. They offer private lessons with professional musicians for a variety of instruments. And with 63 locations across the country, there’s bound to be one nearby.

As a parent, you want to provide the best opportunities for your child. Signing them up for music lessons early on in life is one of the best ways you can do that for them.

Not only will it provide them with the tools to master the instrument of their choice (a skill that will last a lifetime), but these lessons will give them the foundation on which they can build a more successful life.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Scientific studies were

Anton Chekhov (1860 1904)

Chekhov stands out as one of the greatest short story writers of the world. Although he received an M.D. degree, he never practiced medicine, but devoted himself to writing. His scientific studies were, however, of service to him. There seems to be no limit to the range ofhis knowledge of the human family. His situations are handled adroitly and with a strict economy of words.

In The Bet he shews all the cynicism, fatalism, bitterness, pettiness and viciousness that can result from a simple jest.

The present translation, by J. Middleton Murry and S. S. Kote- liansky, is reprinted from The Bet and Other Stories, by permission of the publishers, George Allen & Unwin.

The Bet

It was a dark autumn night. The old banker was pacing from corner to corner of his study, recalling to his mind the party he gave in the autumn fifteen years before. There were many clever people at the party and much interesting conversation. They talked among other things of capital punishment. The guests, among them not a few scholars and journalists, for the most part disapproved of capital punishment. They found it obsolete as a means of punishment, unfitted to a Christian State, and immoral. Some of them thought that capital punishment should be replaced universally by life-imprisonment.

“I don’t agree with you,” said the host. “I myself have experienced neither capital punishment nor life-imprisonment, but if one may judge a priori, then in my opinion capital punishment is more moral and more humane than imprisonment. Execution kills instantly, life-imprisonment kills by degrees. Who is the more humane executioner, one who kills you in a few seconds or one who draws the life out of you incessantly, for years?”

“They’re both equally immoral,” remarked one of the guests, “because their purpose is the same, to take away life. The State is not God. It has no right to take away that which it cannot give back, ifit should so desire.”

Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty- five. On being asked his opinion, he said:

“Capital punishment and life-imprisonment are equally immoral; but if I were offered the choice between them, I would certainly choose the second. It’s better to live somehow than not to live at all.”

There ensued a lively discussion. The banker who was then younger and more nervous suddenly lost his temper, banged his fist on the table, and turning to the young lawyer, cried out:

“It’s a lie. I bet you two millions you wouldn’t stick in a cell even for five years.”


Wednesday 25 December 2019

Horse Riding Boots

Well, it certainly would not be hyperbole to say that there’s a lot more to horse riding boots than just horse riding. These boots not only protect your feet from injuries and wounds but also help add an element of style and elegance to your overall appearance. Moving on, it is extremely important to ensure that the pair of horse riding boots you choose to buy is good enough to go the distance.

Choosing the right boot

The riding boot has to be a functional shoe that can be worn while horse riding and carrying out work in the barn. is a functional shoe for performing barn work and riding horses. High-quality riding boots are rugged and do not require much maintenance. As soon as you step into the market, you will find a lot of vendors selling poor quality riding boots. Also, ladies leather country boots can also be found with ease.

Eventually, all of it boils down to personal preference. Some riders choose wide country boots while others choose extra wide country boots. While buying a pair of riding boots, make sure that you are buying it from a reliable vendor. If you are planning to buy used riding boots, then buy boots from a country boots sale.

Basic Design

The basic design of riding boots happens to be pretty much the same. The type of boot you choose (English style or Western style) doesn’t really matter. A good riding boot needs to be thick and sturdy. Traditionalists prefer leather boots above everything else because they are tough, long-lasting and look great. The leather used for manufacturing horse riding boots has to be soft. Calf leather is used frequently to manufacture horse riding boots because it happens to be soft and has a smooth texture. Furthermore, riding boots should feel soft but should not crumple if you’ve bought a brand new pair.

Also, the leather should be tough enough to protect your feet and legs from scratches and bruises. Lastly, the sole of your boot needs to be stitched and not glued. Lastly, the heel should measure somewhere between half-an-inch to a couple of inches taller than the sole.

Safety comes first

Safety happens to be the most important factor. The riding boots you choose should be tough enough to provide ample protection to your feet. Also, it is always a good idea to not go for a wider boot as it might get stuck in the stirrup.

Convenience also matters

Many of the riders go for boots having zippered closures because it is easier to wear and take off these boots. Children go Jodhpurs because these are cheaper and can be bought after every couple of years (when feet start growing).

Size and fit

The size and fit hold a lot of importance. No matter how well-designed and sturdy the boot is, it is of no use if the size is not right. Do not go for a large boot as it might be loose. Going for tight boots isn’t an option either. Children can go for boots that are slightly bigger in size as their feet are bound to grow in the years to come.

So, that’s all you need to know about horse riding boots. In all fairness, horse riding boots are not purchased every now and then. These boots happen to be a long-term investment and will stay with you for years to come.

Saturday 21 December 2019

A band of Cornish men

Then Locrinus straightway took the Princess Esyllt for his wife, and delighted in her more and more: for she was as prudent as she was beautiful, and she loved

the king, her deliverer, with the love of a true wife, and of a noble princess.

But when Corineus, the giant-slayer, heard that Locrinus had taken a toreign

princess to be his wife, and that she sat beside him on his throne to the open

scorn of Guendolen, his daughter, he arose in great wrath, and swore a mighty

oath, that he would either make him put away his wife and marry the Lady

Guendolen, to whom he was affianced, or that one of the two should never eat

bread more; and gathering together a band of Cornish men, sons of the giants,

and taking with him Guendolen, his daughter, he marched eastward, passing like

an angry meteor through town and hamlet, for wrath drove him like a scourge.

Premature labor

King Locrinus, hearing of his coming, and boding ill of the issue, hid his wife

privily in a shepherd’s cottage, and caused a rumor to be spread that at the

terror of the coming of the Giant-slayer, his queen had fallen into the pangs

of premature labor, and that she and her infant had both perished; and to add

greater faith to the tale, he had funeral rites performed, and went heavily as

one who mourneth, and put on mourning garments.

These tidings, meeting Corineus on the way, somewhat slaked the fury of his wrath, and halting, he sent forward a messenger to Locrinus, to demand of him that he would fulfil his contract with the Lady Guendolen.

The King with a sad heart assented, but would that the marriage should be deferred  for the present that he might furnish himself, with fitting ceremony to do honor to his bride; but Corineus would hear nothing of delay, and resuming his onward course burst furiously into the city of Trinovant, where Locrinus abode, and breaking unannounced into the presence of the King bade him keep to his covenant, and take the Lady Guendolen at once to his throne.

The fierce countenance of Corineus was not less terrible because it was furrowed by age, and set round with strong white hair, and a beard like a trail of autumn

cloud; the muscles stood out like serpents from his bare arms, and his loose

garment of Tyrian purple left to view a broad patch of the shaggy breast

against which, as in a vise, he had crushed the ribs of the monster Gogmagog.


Saturday 7 December 2019

The Russian Arctic is a remote part of uncharted

Dreaming of an unparalleled adventure of epic proportions? A Russian Arctic & North Pole expedition may be just the ticket to the wild north you’ve been looking for. A colossal passage of the world’s harshest seas, a spectacular glimpse into magnificent and pristine wilderness and encounters with the stoic people who live on the roof of our world.

Plus…there are always the polar bears. These are just some

of the Highlights of a Russian Arctic Expedition.

The Russian Arctic is a remote part of uncharted land that’s

only recently opened up to commercial tourism. People come here in search of

the impossible, the remote, the harsh and the utterly mesmerizing.

From the wilds of the Siberian coastline to pristine arctic

islands like Wrangel, encounters with the hardy folks who call the remote Chukotka Region home, sea voyages across the wildlife-enriched Barents Sea and even fly-in adventures to the North Pole base camp: the chances for unforgettable adventures here are abundant and phenomenal.

Here are the most incredible highlights of a Russian Arctic & North

Pole Expedition:

Svalbard, Norway – The most well-known destination in the

Arctic region, Svalbard is the world’s northernmost populated land and a cluster of supremely pristine islands floating about half way between the Scandinavian mainland and the North Pole.

One of the best Northern Lights viewing platforms on earth,

Svalbard boasts a swath of frozen tundra home to Arctic Foxes, Polar Bears and endemic reindeer. Of all the destinations on Russian Arctic Expeditions, Svalbard is by far the most renowned, the easiest to reach and the one with the best infrastructure.

Tourism popularity notwithstanding – because all things are relative, after all – Svalbard is that hauntingly harsh frozen wonderland you dream of when you think of an Arctic adventure. Vertiginous glaciers, snow-capped mountains, endless horizons of rock and ice and a place where Polar Bears reign and humans survive. The most pristine and remote corner of Europe offers husky-led overland adventures, snowmobile excursions and boat trips by icebreakers. Svalbard is one of the most popular and convenient springboards for Russian Arctic & North Pole expeditions.

Crossing of the Barents Sea

With ocean waters shared by Norway and Russian, the Barents

was a hotly contested chunk of Arctic Sea for many years, all the way up until 2011 when a treaty between the two nations was finally signed. Arguably the most prolific breeding seabird sanctuary on our planet, the Barents Sea is a phenomenal confluence of freezing cold Arctic waters and warmer Atlantic waters, spawning a plethora of unique marine wildlife.

A crossing of the Barents Sea is an awe-inspiring experience. As summer creeps, more and more of the sea defrosts, attracting nearly 20 million sea birds in search of food and optimal breeding grounds. The world’s largest cold water reef is a magnet for large colonies of seals and

whales on hunting missions.

Franz Josef Land, Russia

A cluster of high Russian Arctic islands inhabited only by

local army personnel, a Franz Josef Land expedition can be your first taste of a ‘totally out there’ Russian Arctic & North Pole experience. Once you

leave the comforts of Svalbard and sail across the Barents Sea, you’ll reach the northernmost archipelago on earth, a collection of 192 islets that’s about as remote as one could get. These islands are currently under scientific

scrutiny and seem to hold many answers as to the consequences of global warming on our planet. Endless harsh plains of basalt inhabited by walruses, foxes and Polar Bears.

Harsh frigid seas that are playgrounds for bowhead, beluga

and humpback whales. Up here, you are 800 nautical miles north of the Arctic Circle, where permafrost and arctic winds prevent all but the hardiest of flora and fauna from thriving. In summer, when the sun never sets, the landscapes of Franz Josef Land are spectacularly breathtaking.

Every stage that you undergo during

Every girl participating in a beauty pageant believes that she will be a winner and am sure they work hard with their instructors to do so. When it comes to beauty pageant competitions, looking all glam and sexy is one thing, but there are other things that you need to put in practice as well to be able to emerge a winner. Some of these tactics include the speech to give, how to catwalk, the posture to use and also how to look at the judges.

These things are essential as well. Learn more about the

pageant styles and dresses at and gather some ideas that you

can incorporate into your look.

Other tips on how to stand out in a pageant competition:

Perfect your pageant skincare routine with the Skin Script

Green Tea Citrus Antioxidant Cleanser!

Prepare for screen session

Before you are passed to contest for pageant clown, first of

all, all the girls go through screening whereby they still do the activities

required to be done during the actual show competition in front of the judge.

Well, some may think this is not a very critical stage, but it is very crucial

as it will determine whether you will qualify for the competition or not.

Also, this step allows the judges to see if you fit the

required qualification for competitors such as the height, face flawlessness,

and other body measurement requirement as well and that is the reason people

are requested not to wear any makeup and wear hugging body clothes. Have all

the personal documents required ready and also do a lot of practice regarding

cat walking, striking poses and most of all how to describe yourself in front

of the judges.

Be open minded

Taking your pageant career serious is very crucial, and this

involves being on time and willing to learn. Always get to the station earlier

as this shows that you are committed to what you are doing and may earn you

some marks, listen to the person who is giving you briefs to ensure that you

follow all the rules and requirements to the letter. Make sure that your make

up artist is there on time to avoid last minute rushes which can cause you to

be confused and end up forgetting all the important details. Also, know all the

people from the judges, sponsors, and the Ushers as well so it does not look

rude when you ask their names in front of other individuals. Such information

is given during the screening day, and therefore it is important to keep it in


Be involved

Beauty pageants usually participate in different activities

such as helping around the community and cleaning as well. So be prepared and

cooperative when performing these activities as the more you are willing to

help the more the judges will recommend you. It is also important to take care

of your body by wearing body creams that protect your skin from the harsh

outdoor climates. Your beauty is a part of getting you to win, and so you need

to take care of it. Have a good relationship with your trainers and fellow

pageant queens as well and above all be focused and attentive.

Prepare for the competition day

The last important tip is to prepare for the big day.

Practice all the choreography taught by the instructors, all the cat walking

poses and also the confidence required in answering the pageant questions.

Every stage that you undergo during the pageant program is

crucial from the time that you walk through the runway to the questions and

answers session. So practice as many times as you can to perfect your routines.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Curate colors to suit your skin tone

It is important to keep in mind that some colors look great

on, while others definitely do not — but why is that? Your skin tone plays a

huge role in deciding for you what colors you tend to pick out in stores and what

colors you often run away from. To ensure that you have a closet filled with

outstanding outfits, make sure that you’re filling out your wardrobe with items

that flatter your skin tone. For those with cool complexions, garments in

white, black, grey, silver and blue look great. On the other hand, for those

with warm undertones, brown, yellow, gold, olive and red are perfect choices.

Also, for those with very pale or very dark complexions, bright pops of color

look great against the skin.

Combine fitted & loose

The eternal debate of fitted vs loose clothing: which is

more flattering?! It turns out that both are when paired together! Though tight

clothes and loose clothes have both come in and out of fashion, it is apparent

that the two styles are best when cleverly combined. Consider the above image:

tight, black skinny jeans and a loose-fitting grey sweater. The loose top adds

volume so that it is proportional to the lower half of the body. The mix and

match style of this outfit gives great balance and accentuates the shape of the


Layer, layer, layer

Layering can take an outfit from plain, dull and blah to

inspirational and truly magical. Though it can be difficult to do successfully,

it is a skill that requires a variety of basic and trendy items that suit your

shape, skin tone and style. The key to layering well is to experiment with

different tops, blouses and jackets you have. Consider wearing a plain tee

under a colorful dress, a trench coat with a mini skirt, or fishnet stockings

underpants! Or, simply layer a fashionable coat over a plain top. Get creative

with the different pieces you have and the results can be seriously inspired.

Mix & match your prints & patterns (but don’t overdo it)

This is one of those tips that should be done with a bit of

caution: to mix and match your patterns and prints well, make sure that the

various styles complement each other rather than clash.

In general, patterns are an excellent way to add some flair

to your life: using multiple patterns can take your wardrobe a step further

into stylish brilliance. Having basic color-blocked items in your wardrobe is

great, but consider sprucing up your style with stripes, checkered prints,

plaid, florals, animal print or polka dots! To keep your patterns and prints

from clashing, try choosing one focal pattern with a secondary pattern

accenting the outfit. Or, you could also opt for two patterns with color

palettes that match or complement the other. (The outfit above does both!)

Wednesday 13 November 2019

The prerequisites for inflation do not exist at present

“The threatening scenarios are a factor. They cannot be ignored.”

Tnvestors found themselves staring spellbound at the quotation boards A of financial markets in mid-March. The inferno in Japan had stoked uncertainty in particular, which was already high due to the uprisings in North Africa and the sharp rise in the oil price. Christian Ohswald, Manager of Private Banking at Raiffeisenlandesbank Niederdsteneich- Wien, puts it thus: “The threatening scenarios are a factor. You cannot simply ignore the levels of national debt now prevalent in European periphery countries, the problems in the Arab world, or the situation in Japan.”

The signs were positive when it came to saving the euro, at least, after heads of government in the Eurozone states reached an agreement to double the euro rescue package. On the other hand, the rise in inflation, which reached 2.4 percent in the Eurozone in February, continues to generate concern. Susanne Hollinger, Private Banking Manager ofErste Bank, commented: “The rate of inflation has risen in Europe.

But I’m not expecting to see a further sharp increase in the near future, however, or even inflation spiralling out of control.” Jurgen Danzmayr, Head of Private Banking at Bank Austria, went on: “For inflation actually to experience a lasting rise, the wage-price-spiral needs to begin spiralling very quickly, and the preconditions for this don’t exist at present.

Those still wishing to play it safe can invest part of their assets in inflation-linked bonds. According to Marcel Landesmann, Chair of the Board of Directors at Bank Vontobel Osterreich, however, wise heads will not pursue such a strategy too brashly. Landesmann: “Inflation could rise to three percent in the medium term. Buying inflation-linked bonds only makes sense, however, if the increase actually turns out to be higher.” Raiffeisen expert Ohswald agrees: “inflation-proof bonds do not protect you against rising real rates of interest. In a scenario of that nature, they need to be handled as carefully as traditional government bonds.”

“Inflation could rise to three percent in the medium term.”

Where shares are concerned, the paper form continues to point to useful opportunities. However, investors should not flirt with the idea that the large profits that could be generated on many stock exchanges between March 2009 and the beginning of this year will continue unabated. In light of the precarious situation in the crisis spots of the world, moreover, investors will need to factor in often heavy price fluctuations on markets. From the point of view of share evaluation, at least, exchanges are well placed.

The securities of the world share index, MSCI World, are still reasonably valued with a price-eamings ratio of 13 based on profit estimates for 2011 as a whole. While investment experts particularly liked stock exchanges in emerging markets last year, the pendulum has now swung back in the other direction.

Private Banking Head Danzmayr: “The trend is positive in the USA and Europe, and particularly France and Germany in the latter. Measured by their price-earnings ratios, European shares are 30 percent cheaper than papers on Wall Street on average. On top of that, the average dividend yield in Europe is still 1.6 percentage points above US securities.”


Tuesday 12 November 2019

The Sunglasses Fix

The way we shop for clothes has changed. Gone are the days

of buying good-quality clothes designed to last a lifetime. Today’s fashion is

fast and throwaway. A study by British Children’s Charity, Barnardos showed

that women in the UK wear clothes a shameful average of seven times before

discarding them. The mainstream fashion industry is known to abuse cheap labour

and the impact of all that textile production on the environment is disastrous.

So what can you do to turn back the clock? You can start by

investing in these five fashion buys that should last you a lifetime!

Fix Your Sunglasses

As a general rule, you should pay more for any garment or

accessory you’re going to wear every day. Once you find the perfect pair of

sunglasses, you never want to take them off. And you shouldn’t have to.

It’s no coincidence that you can always find great designer

sunglasses in vintage shops. Take care of your sunglasses and they can last you

a lifetime. If your glasses lenses become scratched, repair them.

Companies like the Sunglasses Fix offer replacement lenses

for a huge range of frames. The Sunglasses Fix will show you exactly how to

install your new lenses and even help with small DIY repairs like tightening

your frames.

Take Care of Your Leather Boots

A pair of high-quality leather boots should last for as long

as you love wearing them. When choosing leather boots, keep an eye on quality.

Full-grain leather is the best, it has imperfections but is supremely flexible

and durable. Top grain leather is also very good but is sanded to remove

imperfections so is a little thinner than full-grain. Bonded leather should be

avoided as it’s essentially a mash-up of leather scraps forged into new


Here are few maintenance tips to get maximum mileage out of

your leather boots:

Moisturise your boots with leather conditioner

Protect your boots from the elements with a protective spray

Store your boots in boot trees to maintain their shape

Visit your local cobbler to repair damage to heels and


Buy Jeans That Last

Buy Clothes made from Natural Fibres

Jeans are at the forefront of the long-lasting fashion

revolution. Levi Strauss first invented blue jeans in 1873 for working men.

Blue denim had been used for workers’ clothes for centuries but even the most

durable fabric didn’t last long when worn by railroad worker and miners.

Strauss introduced rivets at key points in his blue working men’s trousers.

Jeans were invented and the world never looked back.

Certain forward-thinking companies have sprung into action

to fill a gap in the jeans market and reduce waste at the same time. Kickstart

venture Half Century Jeans promises jeans with a fifty-year guarantee!

Invest in Outdoor Wear with a Repair Guarantee

Whether you’re skiing, hiking or spelunking, your outdoor

wear goes through a lot. Most outdoor wear is pricey so durability is expected.

But some outdoor wear brands go a step further and offer a lifetime guarantee

on their garments, promising to replace or refund gear for free.

The environmental perk of buying these brands is their

forward-thinking approach to repairs. Instead of getting a brand new product

every time you notice a tear, many outdoor brands will mend it. Simple but


lothes made from high-quality natural fibres will last

longer. Natural fibres are renewable and biodegradable. And producing materials

like organic cotton uses none of the chemical processes used to create

synthetic materials. If you buy clothes made from natural fibres that are ultra

high-quality and made sustainably, even better!

A handful of new durability-focussed companies are creating

clothes fitting this description that are actually affordable. Tom Cridland

launched the 30-Year Sweatshirt in 2015. Cridland’s hand-crafted garments are

made from Italian cotton and backed with an outstanding 30-year guarantee.

Joining the long-lasting fashion revolution doesn’t need to

cost you more. Make better choices about what you buy and good care of your

purchases and you too could be a revolutionary!

Monday 11 November 2019

Virginia and Tennessee

James Lane Allen (1849-1925)

James Lane Allen was born near Lexington, Ky., in 1849. He was largely self-educated, and began writing at a comparatively early age. His novels and stories are the expression for the most part of Southern life and character.

King Solomon of Kentucky is a typical story, leisurely, vivid and without obvious artifice. The story is reprinted from the volume Flute and Violin, Century Co., 1891, by permission of the James Lane Allen Estate and the publishers.

King Solomon of Kentucky

It had been a year of strange disturbances a desolating drought, a hurly-burly of destructive tempests, killing frosts in the tender valleys, mortal fevers in the tender homes. Now came tidings that all day the wail of myriads of locusts was heard in the green woods of Virginia and Tennessee; now that Lake Erie was blocked with ice on the very verge of summer, so that in the Niagara new rocks and islands showed their startling faces. In the Blue-grass Region of Kentucky countless caterpillars were crawling over the ripening apple orchards md leaving the trees as stark as when tossed in the thin air of bitter February days.

Then, flying low and heavily through drought and tempest and frost and plague, like the royal presence of disaster, that had been but heralded by its mournful train, came nearer and nearer the dark angel of the pestilence.

M. Xaupi had given a great ball only the night before in the dancing-rooms over the confectionery of M. Giron that M. Giron who made the tall pyramids of meringues and macaroons for wedding suppers, and spun around them a cloud of candied webbing as white and misty as the veil of the bride. It was the opening cotillon party of the summer.

The men came in blue cloth coats with brass buttons, buff waistcoats, and laced and ruffled shirts; the ladies came in white satins with ethereal silk overdresses, embroidered in the figure of a gold beetle or an oak leaf of green. The walls of the ballroom were painted to represent landscapes of blooming orange-trees, set here and there in clustering tubs; and the chandeliers and sconces were lighted with in-numerable wax-candles, yellow and green and rose.

Only the day before, also, Clatterbuck had opened for the summer a new villa-house, six miles out in the country, with a dancing-pavilion in a grove of maples and oaks, a pleasure-boat on a sheet of crystal water, and a cellar stocked with old sherry, Sauterne, and Chateau Margaux wines, with anisette, “Perfect Love,” and Guigholet cordials.


Sunday 10 November 2019

Joe did not agree with his fellow student

They had both spent years of toil and hardship until the hour when that rolled up piece of paper the diploma was handed to them. Moe worked in a public garage during the day and attended law school at night. Joe drove a laundry wagon, using the income to pay his tuition at the same school.

Months before they were to graduate, Moe

and Joe had discussed their plans for the future.

It was Moe’s idea that in order to make a

success in the legal profession, a young lawyer should attach himself to an old

established law firm. There one could get an idea of the practical side of law

and meanwhile cultivate con-tacts for the future.

Joe did not agree with his fellow student.

He main-tained, “It is too much of a risk to be a clerk in a law office. If

fortune is with you and some of the old members die, after a year or two you

have a chance to step into the shoes of the dead one. Otherwise you are a clerk

for the rest of your life. You and I know that the humblest clerk in a grocery

store gets more pay than a young lawyer who joins a so-called big law office. I

for one could never understand why so little ethics and justice are practiced

by the big law firms.”

To this Moe answered, “Well, the old established lawyers,

I suppose, got the same deal when they started out, and they made a success.”

“I still think,” Joe countered, “that the

best thing is that we start out by ourselves. We ought to join a few

organizations where all the members speak only Yiddish. We will be the only

English-speaking members, and when once and a while we inject a Hebrew word in

our speeches like yosher or rachmanuSj believe me, overnight we will be tops.”

Bulgaria is a magic place. There are many things

to do in Bulgaria
. There is something for everybody – fun, adventures,


For one reason or another, the two

graduates lost track of each other. Moe carried out his idea and joined a law

firm composed of four partners. Three of the partners treated him in a somewhat

professional manner, not-withstanding the fact that his salary was meagre and

far from being equal to theirs. However, one of the partners often forgot that

Moe Bin was also a graduate lawyer. He would send him to the store to do

shopping for his wife, and burdened him with other tasks which did not belong

to the legal profession.

Saturday 9 November 2019


Nobody knows, but bread and cheese speil freedom. If you don’t feel like eating that particular food at that particular hour on that particular day, your choice is easy: Bread and cheese.

Why use salad dressing?

Just use it. We’ve thought of everything. Every salad has a different dressing. Olive oil and lemon juice, for example, on the classic green salad. Not only does it enhance the flavor, it also aids in the absorption of vitamin A.

What are the fine points of using sauces?

They come in little packets as you know. Don’t forget to shake them a little first to mix the contents. And after you pour them over the food, wait a minute or so for the flavor to penetrate.

The eggplants are purchased from suppliers in the central produce market. The condition: a quality product at a reasonable price. After passing quality control, the eggplants are washed, cleaned and chopped differently for roasting, saksuka and imambayildi.

They are two-thirds cooked when they ’re put on the plane. Still to come are the final third of cooking time and then the garnish with fresh herbs. The process is definitely not reheating but continuation of the cooking. This is a very important point.


An ancient story describes a confrontation between the sons of Adam. In a fit of jealousy Cain kills his brother Abel with a rock.

If there is anything that has not changed since that earliest story in the history of man it is the tools and weapons of war. Is it possible that technology might not have become a threat to mankind?

Bon Thomas programmed the first computer program that was dubbed a virus by virtue of its ability to duplicate itself on various platforms despite not being a living organism in 1970 for experimental purposes. For many years computer programmers wrote viruses to show off their intelligence and stroke their egos.

The internet, which became a global communications network starting in the 1990’s, provided a perfect environment for the use of viruses to steal personal information for profit. In 1998 the world became acquainted with a virus called CIH and got a big shock because CIH could damage computers’ BIOS micro processors and cause hardware problems that were very difficult, even impossible, to fix.

Until 2010 we did not encounter other viruses that could cause significant hardware problems. But everything is about to change…


Friday 8 November 2019

Even the most qualified

One long table in a private dining room was sur-rounded by

a group of young girls, evidently sorority sisters.

Most of them were smoking cigarettes,

puffing the smoke upward to the ceiling. Even the most qualified

anthropologists would not have been able to tell that they were Jewish. It

seems that the characteristic Jewish nose is disappearing. . . .

At another table, a group of young rabbis,

most of them former chaplains, were entertaining one of their colleagues who

had just returned from the Pacific after serving for over two years. Some of

them had their reb- betzins with them. They urged their guest that he too get

married. To which he explained, “As soon as I get a pulpit, I’ll start looking

for a life companion.”

At another table four real estate men were studying a blueprint of a building. They studied it silently… After all, real estate has a lot of secrets and the walls have ears. However, the quiet of the room was disturbed when a cup of coffee was spilled over the blueprints and some of its hot contents poured over the trousers of one of the company.

In the center of the club, eight young women sur-rounded an elderly lady all of them acting in a dignified manner though one could detect a feeling of uneasiness. This was true of all except one who was making noise with her soup, assuming an attitude of “what do I care!’

All in all for one who wanted to enjoy a

peaceful meal this was the ideal evening.

Suddenly the door of the kitchen opened and

out came one of the waitresses carrying a huge cake with candles in it.

She brought it over to the table where the elderly lady and the eight young women were sitting. The song followed “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. …

Ordinarily under such circumstances people

join in singing this beautiful song. This time, however, the sing-ing was

limited to the young women at the table with the old lady. The rest of the

guests did not participate. They merely raised their heads in the direction of

the table.

The sorority sisters broke into snickers.

The old lady was almost exhausted in trying

to blow out the candles on the cake.

Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosovsky were driving home

in their automobile after a heavy dinner at the club. They were discussing the

birthday party at length.

“I can’t understand it,” Mrs. Rosovsky

remarked. “I know Mrs. Pinsk well. I know her husband and I knew her children

when they were quite young. Since they have a fine home of their own, why have

a birthday party in public and disturb other people who are not interested?”

Thursday 7 November 2019

Stephen Crane 1871-1900

Crane has only recently received due credit for his stories. True, his Red Badge of Courage made quite a stir in the nineties, but apart from that book, he was not well-known until some four or five years ago. He was a free-lance writer to the end of his short life. His best work is found in his few volumes of short tales, war stories and stories of contemporary life. He was a war-correspondent in the Balkans and Cuba, though he wrote his most striking war stories before he had ever witnessed a battle. He was not a trick-story writer; he was neither facile nor ingenious; his work at its best is the sound product of an honest artist.

This story is from Men, Women, and Boats, published in 1921 by Boni & Liveright, New York. It is here reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf.

A Dark-Brown Dog

A child was standing on a street-corner. He leaned with one shoulder against a high board fence and swayed the other to and fro, the while kicking carelessly at the gravel.

Sunshine beat upon the cobbles, and a lazy summer wind raised yellow dust which trailed in clouds down the avenue. Clattering trucks moved with indistinctness through it. The child stood dreamily gazing. After a time, a little dark-brown dog came trotting with an intent air down the sidewalk. A short rope was dragging from his neck. Occasionally he trod upon the end of it and stumbled.

He stopped opposite the child, and the two regarded each other. The dog hesitated for a moment, but presently he made some little advances with his tail. The child put out his hand and called him. In an apologetic manner the dog came close, and the two had an interchange of friendly pattings and waggles. The dog became more enthusiastic with each moment of the interview, until with his gleeful caperings he threatened to overturn the child. Whereupon the child lifted his hand and struck the dog a blow upon the head.

This thing seemed to overpower and astonish the little dark-brown dog, and wounded him to the heart. He sank down in despair at the child’s feet. When the blow was repeated, together with an admonition in childish sentences, he turned over upon his back, and held his paws in a peculiar manner. At the same time with his ears and his eyes he offered a small prayer to the child.

He looked so comical on his back, and holding his paws peculiarly, that the child was greatly amused and gave him little taps repeatedly, to keep him so. But the little dark-brown dog took this chastisement in the most serious way, and no doubt considered that he had committed some grave crime, for he wriggled contritely and showed his repentance in every way that was in his power. He pleaded with the child and petitioned him, and offered more prayers.

At last the child grew weary of this amusement and turned-toward home. The dog was praying at the time. He lay on his back and turned his eyes upon the retreating form.

Presently he struggled to his feet and started after the child. The latter wandered in a perfunctory way toward his home, stopping at times to investigate various matters. During one of these pauses he discovered the little dark-brown dog who was following him with the air of a footpad.


Wednesday 6 November 2019

Lena is not convinced

Lena is not convinced, so Mrs. Brody

continues. “And suppose I do cough a little . . . nu . . . so babies cough too.

The milk and honey I get nowadays helps a lot, danken Gott. And believe me,

every minute you spend in the country will be like a year of joy for me. Who

can tell . . . you may meet your mazel there. If mazel doesn’t show up one

time, with God’s help it comes the next. My mother, may she rest in peace,

always used to say, ‘Good luck is a teaser.’ ”

“Mamma dear,” Lena pleads, ‘‘I will borrow

a few dollars and we will both go. Yes mother, both of us, and we will have a

good time.”

“Oh, no, daughter dear! Borrow money for

pleasure? Your mother doesn’t go to the country on other people’s money. I am

not a society lady, I am not, danken

Gott, one of those who order packages

shipped out from the grocery every week and return to the city after the

vacation is over to find that the grocery man is bankrupt because, the

pleasurnikes did not pay for what they ate and drank and entertained company.”

Lena says, feeling sure that her mother will agree

“Then I have another plan,” Lena says,

feeling sure that her mother will agree. “My boss allows me a week vacation. So

I’ll stay in the country for three days, and you go out there for the remaining


“With God there remains yet many days.

Another time, not now,” replies Mrs. Brody hastily, running to the kitchen, for

she feels her cough commencing to choke her again.


to Bulgaria
shouldn’t be missed. Trust me, plan your Bulgarian holiday,

pack your luggage, get your cameras and good mood and let Bulgaria show its

beauty to you.

The daughter has little choice. The open

fields, the clean water of the country draw her like a powerful magnet. But she

knows that she will not enjoy it if her mother is not there to share it.

Last summer, in the country, she made the

acquaint-ance of a new friend. She saw him quite often after that until he

passed out of her life. Perhaps this year she will meet him again.

Is it possible she did not encourage him

enough? Is it because she always spoke of her responsibility to her mother?

Perhaps this year she will meet him again. . . .

That same afternoon Lena kisses her mother

goodbye, and before Lena has entered the train for the trip to the country her

mother is already breathing easier. . . . She returns home highly contented.

For now she may cough freely. . . .

Tuesday 5 November 2019

You appear like a really previous man

He went to the cemetery of Koptos with the clergymen of Isis and the excessive priest of Isis. They dug about for 3 days and three nights, for they searched even in all of the catacombs, which have been within the cemetery of Koptos; they turned over the steles of the scribes of the “double home of life,” and browse the inscriptions that they discovered on them. Nevertheless, they may not discover the resting place of Ahura and Merab.

Now Na.nefer.ka.ptah perceived that they may not discover the resting place of Ahura and her little one Merab. Due to this fact, he raised himself up as a venerable, very previous historic, and got here earlier than Setna. As well as, Setna noticed him, and Setna mentioned to the traditional: “You appear like a really previous man; have you learnt the place the resting place of Ahura and her little one Merab is?”

The traditional mentioned to Setna: “It was advised by the daddy of the daddy of my father to the daddy of my father, and the daddy of my father has advised it to my father; the resting place of Ahura and of her little one Merab is in a mound south of the city of Pehemato.” As well as, Setna mentioned to the traditional, “Maybe we could do injury to Pehemato, and you might be prepared to steer one to the city for the sake of that.” The traditional replied to Setna: “If one listens to me, shall he due to this fact destroy the city of Pehemato!

Youngster Merab

If they don’t discover Ahura and her little one Merab underneath the south nook of their city could I be disgraced.” They attended to the traditional, and located the resting place of Ahura and her little one Merab underneath the south nook of the city of Pehemato. Setna laid them within the royal boat to deliver them as honored individuals, and restored the city of Pehemato because it initially was. And Na.nefer.ka.ptah made Setna to know that it was he who had come to Koptos, to allow them to search out out the place the resting place was of Ahura and her little one Merab.

Due to this fact, Setna left the haven within the royal boat, sailed with out stopping, and reached Memphis with all of the troopers who have been with him. And once they advised the King he got here all the way down to the royal boat. He took them as honored individuals escorted to the catacombs, by which Na.nefer.ka.ptah was, and smoothed down the bottom over them.


Monday 4 November 2019

The kind-hearted teacher

The kind-hearted teacher answered them

thus: “ Dear pupils ! I must admit that you are perfectly tight in all that you

say. I am truly beholden to all of you for your loyalty and untiring devotion

to me in my misfortune, sharing with me all the stress of poverty and bad luck.

I cannot for one moment blame you for desiring to return home. Yet let me beg

of you to have a little more patience, and to stay with me but one more week.

If, at the end of the coming seven days, the good God. whose Holy Name be

praised from now to all eternity, deem it beat to help us. well and good, and

we will all return home together. If. on the other hand, our Heavenly Father in

His abounding mercy desire to try us, His will be done, and you shall all

return home without any further let or hindranee on my part.”’

The disciples consented to this proposal

with-out any discussion. Next day the Rabbi re-quested them to leave him for a

while, whilst he proceeded to the woods near by. “ 1 will try,” said he, “ to

think out some plan to help us all in our dire plight.” “ God be with you,”

they replied, and he went of! alone. Barely had he reached the woods vvhen he

saw a little weasel with a golden ring in its mouth. “ Now I wonder,” says he

to himself, “ what’s the use of a golden ring to a little weasel ? If I had it

I could sell it and have enough money to feed my hungry friends and myself. It

would be sufficient to keep us going for at least a week.” He began to run

after the weasel. This frightened the little thing, and in its haste to escape

it dropped the ring The Rabbi picked it up and looked at it very attentively.

On the surface it was quite smooth, but inside the following words were very

beautifully engraved :

“ For small price was I sold, My worth is untold gold! ”

The lucky finder recognised at once that

this was no ordinary ring. “ What sort of ring is it ? ” he mused. “ I fancy it

is a magic ring, and the one who wears it has only to wish for something and

the wish is sure to be fulfilled there and then. Now,” said he aloud, “ let me

just try and see if this be the case. What shall I desire ? Dear God, please

help me in my poverty and just give me a small purse full of money.” The words

were barely uttered when he saw in front of him at hit* feet a purse full of

coin. “ Now, indeed,” he exclaimed, with great joy in hi** heart and a happy

smile on his face, “ has God helped us! ”

Sunday 3 November 2019


And when the next day came, and the earth was lightened, the acacia was cut down. And Anpu, the elder brother of Bata, entered his house, and washed his hands; and one gave him a cup of beer, and it became troubled; and one gave him another of wine, and the smell of it was evil. Then he took his staff, and his sandals, and likewise his clothes, with his weapons of war; and he betook himself forth to the valley of the acacia.

He entered the tower of his younger brother, and he found him lying upon his mat; he was dead. And he wept when he saw his younger brother verily lying dead. And he went out to seek the soul of his younger brother under the acacia tree, under which his younger brother lay in the evening. He spent three years in seeking for it, but found it not. And when he began the fourth year, he desired in his heart to return into Egypt; he said, “I will go to-morrow morn.” Thus spoke he in his heart.

Under the acacia

Now when the land lightened, and the next day appeared, he was walking under the acacia; he was spending his time in seeking it. And he returned in the evening, and labored at seeking it again. He found a seed. He returned with it. Behold this was the soul of his younger brother. He brought a cup of cold water, and he cast the seed into it: and he sat down, as he was wont.

Now when the night came his soul sucked up the water; Bata shuddered in all his limbs, and he looked on his elder brother; his soul was in the cup. Then Anpu took the cup of cold water, in which the soul of his younger brother was; Bata drank it, his soul stood again in its place, and he became as he had been. They embraced each other, and they conversed together.

And Bata said to his elder brother: “Behold I am to become as a great bull, which bears every good mark; no one knower its history, and thou must sit upon my back. When the sun arises I shall be in the place where my wife is, that I may return answer to her; and thou must take me to the place where the King is. For all good things shall be done for thee; for one shall lade thee with silver and gold, because thou briniest me to Pharaoh, for I become a great marvel, and they It hall rejoice for me in all the land. And thou shalt go to thy village.”


Saturday 2 November 2019

Acquired a most useful art

“ I think,” Saturday answers, “ that you

have acquired a most useful art.” All the other brothers nodded absent.

“ What have you discovered 1 ” said Monday,

turning to Tuesday.

Tuesday began : “ I suppose you will all

laugh when I tell you all about the art I

have learnt. It is the art of picking pockets. I can take anything out of

another person’s hand, be the article small or large, be it held ever so

tightly, without that person being aware of what I am doing.”

“ That is simply marvellous,” they all


“ Now, Wednesday,” says Saturday. “ it’s

your turn to give an account of yourself.”

“ 1 think,” Wednesday remarked, “ I can

surprise you all when I tell you what 1 have learnt to do.”

“ Well, man, speak ! ” interrupted

Saturday. ” What is it ? ”

Wednesday continued: I can improve upon Tuesday’s art of picking pockets, as he calls it.

I can put in my coat pocket anytning, be it large or small, sizt does not count

at all; and no one knows what I have done.”

“ Well, I never,” said Tuesday, “ that is

really ripping.”

“ Come along, Thursday,” cries Wednesday; “

it is your turn now.”

Thursday said: “ What- I have leamt is a very

clever thing.”

“ Just so,” they all cried. “ What is this

very clever thing ? ”

Thursday continues: “ All I have to do is

to cut off a twig of an oak-tree. I then take it in my right hand and I can

heat to the ground any number of men, even if ten thousand come to attack me.”

“ A jolly nne thing,” says Saturday, “ in

war-time. We must tell dear father all about this. I wonder what they will say

at the War Office ? Now, Friday, it’s your turn, please.”

“ I have learnt,” says Friday, “ to shoot

so well that if I aim at a bird’s beak anywhere in the air, and if it have a

seed of corn in its beak, I shall be able to shoot the seed out of its beak

without doing any injurv to the bird or the seed.”

You must be a crack marksman

“ You must be a crack marksman,” observes

Saturday. “And now, if you please, it is my turn to tell you my tale of

adventure. I have discovered how to throw with my right hand anything, even a

millstone, as high as you like, till no one can see it; and I can also catch it

again in my left hand.”

Friday 1 November 2019

Advice For Musicians

My advice for artists, songwriters and producers moving forward, first and foremost, is that you have to practice, you have to be great and you have to write incredible songs. Your music has to be wonderful, and that is the main thing you have to focus on. If you don I do that, your chances of success are extremely low.

The Internet is a highly efficient means of rewarding a quality experience, so if you ‘re not great, you ‘re probably not going to have a career as a musician.

The second thing is to have a business partner. It could be a business associate you work with who helps you manage your business, helps you figure out how you ’re going to make money, learns the new technologies and how to exploit them and helps get you in front of audiences and helps you promote yourself.

Berklee Music

Ten years ago we created an online school called Berkleemusic focusing on delivering online music education, via distance learning. Most of our online students are active in the music industry and are struggling to retool their skills and knowledge to take advantage of the changes affecting the way that music is produced, marketed and distributed.

The online courses and programs are all about creating music, writing it, recording it, mixing it, arranging it, editing it, mastering it, and using software and other technologies to help produce and distribute music. We have a lot of performers studying online, improving their skills, learning different instruments, learning both beginning level and advanced instrument techniques and different styles of music and how to perform.

We also offer songwriting courses, for people involved in writing or composing for film or television or video games. We also offer music theory, harmony, ect.


Dave Kusek is Vice President of Berklee College of Music and the Co-Author of The Future of Music. He is a digital music executive and is responsible for helping to create the market for digital music. He founded the first music software company, Passport Designs, which made it possible for musicians to record and produce their music at home.

Kusek is also a co-developer of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) industry standard that opened up electronic music to millions of people. Kusek is currently the CEO at where he has created the world’s largest online music school teaching over 15,000 students a year globally. Dave Kusek is a frequent speaker at Midem, MacWorld, Comdex, NAMM, AES, IEBA, NBC-TV, the Nightly Business Report, NPR, and the BBC.


Thursday 31 October 2019

Servants occasionally wait at table

Servants occasionally wait at table in clam

invite gloves: there are few things more dis-agreeable than the thumb of a

clumsy waiter in your plate.        .


custom, however, of servants waiting at table in gloves, has never been adopted

in the mansions of people of distinction. A white damask napkin, in which his

thumb is enveloped, is given to each servant, and this effectually precludes

its contact with your plate.

Glass wine-coolers, half filled ‘with

water, should be placed next each person at table. „

Finger glasses, filled with warm water,

come on with the dessert. Wet a corner of your napkin, and wipe your mouth,

then rinse your fingers; but do not practise the filthy custom of gargling your

mouth at table, albeit the   usage

prevails amongst a few, who think that, because it is a foreign habit, it

cannot be disgusting.

The custom of drinking toasts, and of

forcing people to drink bumper after bumper of wine, until drunkenness results,

is quite banished from gentlemanly society to its proper place — the tavern. It

arises from a mistaken idea of making visitors welcome; the Amplitron of the

feast overlooking the fact of its being much more hospitable to allow his

guests to do as they please, and to take only as much wine as they may feel

convenient or agreeable. It is but a miserable boast, that a man has sufficient

^strength of stomach to sit his companions “under the table.

Never pare an apple or a pear for a lady

Never pare an apple or a pear for a lady

unless she desire you, and then be careful to use your fork to hold it; you may

sometimes offer to divide a very large pear with or for a person.              .

At some of the best houses, coffee is brought into the dining-room before the gentlemen quit the table a very good custom, as it gently prevents excess, the guests retiring to the ladies immediately afterwards; it also allows those who have other engagements to take coffee before they quit the house. Coffee should be brought in at an hour previously appointed, without the hell being rung for it, but a sufficient interval must, be allowed, lest the seem chary of his wine. For instance, nine o’clock is a good hour if the dinner were at six; or ten o’clock for one which commenced at seven.

At present, coffee is not brought into the

dining-room in fashionable houses, except when a small party, intending to go

to a theatre, are pressed for time — it is always served in the drawing-room.

Nevertheless, the former is a very excellent arrangement in country houses, for

very obvious reasons.

Wednesday 30 October 2019

Traditional Crafts

Traditional crafts meet with the future

Our Country has so many traditional handicraft in number, however today each is known by five people at most; who are not able to transfer them to future generations. In the end, these handicraft works disappear off the face of the earth, never to be remembered…

On its 85th foundation anniversary, Anadolu Sigorta embarked on a quest of a social responsibility project and managed to take a most positive step towards protecting our traditional art. That is how the ‘One Master Thousand Masters’ project is realized.

Aims of the ‘One Master Thousand Masters’ project are; to draw public attention to vanishing professions and local values, to rejuvenate these professions and to help deliver masters’ experiences to the future. The project is conducted through technical consultancy of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Research and Education Directorate. The ministry determines and suggests the professions as well as the cities.

Kargi cloth

I was born on 10 June 1983 in Kargi. Studied in Trakya University Department of General Textile Finishing. I teach ‘Kargi cloth weaving’, an almost forgotten handicraft. This profession dates back to 1850s.In Kargi and in neighboring villages, women would construct their own clothing and trousseau on weaving rooms that were present in almost every house.

As it is hundred percent cotton, thus anti-perspiring, Kargi cloth was widely used especially in underwear, women-men shirts and kids clothing. In addition to that, textiles woven with silk and drapery, ‘peskir’ (thin towel) and gowns had been sine qua non of trousseau. Kargi cloth experienced its golden age in 1960s as almost in every house there was a weaving loom. However, with the technological and industrial developments, easy, effortless and cheap industrial weaving caused its oblivion.

Thanks to the ‘One Master Thousand Masters’ project, which is initiated for the purpose of protecting our cultural heritage, now looms are set, this art’s last representatives take the wheel and train the new generation. I have practiced this art for five years. With the occasion of my interest in handicraft, I learned it from a professional Kargi cloth weaver Munevver Ozata, who I still work with. We worked and still are working in the Kargi cloth-weaving workshop, which is established within the scope of public education.


Tuesday 29 October 2019

Adopt the Dharma

The need of carrying out their respective functions was so strongly ingrained in the minds of the various classes that ordinarily they would never think of deviating from their dharma The Bhagavad-Gita taught that people should lay down their lives in defense of their own dharma rather than adopt the dharma of others, which is dangerous.

The lower orders worked hard in the firm

belief that they would deserve a better life in the next world or birth. This

belief lessened the intensity and frequency of tensions and conflicts between

those who actually produced and those who lived off these producers as princes,

priests, officials, soldiers and big merchants.

Hence the necessity for exercising coercion

against the lower orders was not so strong in ancient India, What was done by

slaves and other producing sections in Greece and Rome under, the threat of

whip was done by the visas and sudras out of conviction formed through

brahmanical indoctrination.

Philosophical Systems

The Indian thinkers looked upon the world

as illusion and deliberated deeply on the elation between the soul and God. In

fact philosophers of no other country delved as deeply into this problem as the

Indians did. Ancient India is considered famous for its contribution to

philosophy and spiritualism. But the Indians also developed a materialistic

view of the world.

In the six systems of philosophy which the

Indians created we find elements of materialist philosophy in the Samkhya

system of Kapila, who was born around 580 B.C. He believed that the soul can

attain liberation only through real knowledge. Real knowledge can be acquired

througn .observation, inference and words. The Samkhya system does not

recognize the existence of God. According to it, the world has not been created

by God but by “’nature and the world and human life are regulated by

natural forces.

Materialist philosophy received the

greatest impetus from Charvaka, who lived in about the sixth century B.C. The

philosophy that he propounded is known as lokayata. He argued that what is not

experienced by man through his sensual organs does not really exist. It implies

that gods do not exist. The Indians thus developed both the idealist as well as

the materialist systems of philosophy. The idealist system taught that the

world is an illusion and ignorance.

People were asked by the Upanishads to

abandon the world and to strive for real knowledge. Western thinkers have taken

to the teachings of the Upanishads because they are unable to solve the human

problems created by modern technology. The famous German philosopher

Schopenhauer finds in his system a place for the Vedas and the Upanishads. Ho

used to say that the Upanishads consoled him m this life and would also console

.him after death.

Friday 25 October 2019

Economic Privileges

The rate of payment and economic privileges

differed according to the Varna to which a person belonged. Thus a Brahmana was

required to pay two per cent interest on loans, a Kshatriya three per cent, a

visa four per cent, and a sutra five per cent. Sudra guests could be fed only’

if they had done some work at the house of the host These rules laid down in

the Dharma satraps or law books may not have been observed strictly, but they

indicate the norms which were set by society

Since both priests and warriors lived on

the taxes, tributes, tithes and labor supplied by peasants and artisans, their

relations were marked by occasional feuds for the sharing of social savings.

The Kshatriyas were also hurt by the vanity of the brahmaness, who claimed the

highest status m society. But both resolved their conflicts and differences m

face of the opposition of the visas and sutras, Ancient texts emphasize that

the Kshatriyas cannot prosper without the support of the brahmaness, and the

brahmaness cannot prosper without the support of the Kshatriyas, Both can

thrive and rule the world only if they cooperate with each other

Social Crisis and Rise of Landed Classes

For several centuries the system worked

well in the Gangetic basin, which saw a successive series of large states. In

the first and second centuries A.D. it was marked by bumping trade and urbanism.

In this phase art flourished as never before.

The climax of the old order was reached in

about the third century. Then its progressive role seems to have been

exhausted. Around the third century A.D. the old social formation was afflicted

with a deep crisis. The crisis is clearly reflected in the description of the

Kali age in those portions of the Puranas which belong to the third and fourth

centuries A.D.

The Kali age is characterized by varna

samara, i.e. intermixture of varnas or social orders, which implies that the

visas and sutras (peasants, artisans and labourers) either refused to , perform

producing functions assigned to them or else the visa peasants declined to pay

taxes and the sutras refused to make their labor available.

They did not observe the vamp boundaries

relating to marriage and other types of social intercourse. On account of this

situation the epics emphasize the importance’ of Dana or coercive measures, and

Manu lays down that the visas and sutras should not be allowed to deviate from

their duties. The kings appear as upholders and restorers of the vamp system.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Phrygian Valley

Cradle of Culture: Phrygian valley

On one side monumental tumuli, giant rock-carved reliefs, altars and cave dwellings, on the other fairy chimney formations like works of art and the thermal springs that have warmed the lofty steppes of the Anatolian plateau for centuries. While wandering in the valleys and highlands, you grasp more easily the place in human history of the Phrygian civilization and its rich cultural heritage.

The region that includes the provinces of Afyonkarahisar, Kutahya and Eskisehir, where the monuments of the Phrygian civilization are located, is known today as the Valley of the Phrygians. Three cities still preserve their historic links with this magnificent geography, which illumines the present with the light of the past. Countless local riches, such as Afyonkarahisar’s marbles, Kutahya tiles and Eskisehir’s alabaster, are the touchstones of this cultural journey.

Every day at dawn, first the castle perched on the colossal rock mass that rises behind it is illuminated at Afyonkarahisar. Then, spreading across the lower reaches of Afyonkarahisar Castle, the light reaches the historic texture of a house close to four hundred years old.

This region, where you can find vestiges of traditional Afyonkarahisar life, is among the finest living examples of Anatolian civil architecture. Strolling about here, a person is astonished to encounter old-fashioned grocery stores with their characteristic smell that brings back childhood memories.


Situated at the point of intersection of the inter-city highways to Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, Afyonkarahisar is always alive and humming. The hotels and large shopping centers that have spread to the province keep the region ever vibrant.

Like a virtual continuation today of the ancient trade routes, this junction and its dynamics are a major contributor to the city’s economy.

Another city center exhibiting vestiges of history in the Phrygian Valley is Kutahya, which stands out for its mosques, baths, mausoleums, fountains, old mansions and museums. It is easier to get a handle on the city’s magnificent past on Germiyan Sokak, which is lined with old houses.

You can also find rich examples of the local handicrafts all over the city. The pottery that dates all the way back to the Phrygians and the tiles that symbolize the city are among the branches of industry that contribute to the local economy.

To understand the place where one lives and to appreciate its beauty, sometimes one has to look at it from another angle. To be able to say that one has seen Eskisehir, which could be considered the modem face of the Valley of the Phrygians, one should pay a brief visit to Kent (City) Park, which has been dubbed the ‘lungs ‘of Eskisehir, or survey the city’s skyline from Selale (Waterfall) Park.

Watered by the Porsuk River, this progressive city is Anatolia’s rising star with its green cover, its transportation net that functions like clockwork, and its refreshing parks. Eskisehir also boasts a young and highly educated population, in which the university and its extensive campuses undoubtedly play the largest part. You’ll encounter young lovers on almost every street here, or students on an outing by gondola on the Porsuk, livening up the atmosphere with their cries of glee.


Wednesday 23 October 2019

Sanskrit literature

The sixth seventh centuries are equally

important in the history of Sanskrit literature. Sanskrit continued to be used

by the ruling class from about the second century A.D. As the rulers came to

live in pomp and splendor, the style of their language became verbose and ornate.

The ornate style in Sanskrit prose and

poetry became common from the seventh century, and the traditional Sanskrit pundits

still love to write in it. The best example of verbiage in prose is found in

the writings of Bana. Although the prose of Bana was not easy to imitate, it

continued to serve as a model for Sanskrit writers in the medieval period.

From the seventh century A.D. we also

notice a remarkable development in the linguistic history of India. Buddhist

writings from eastern India show the faint beginnings of Bengali, Assamese,

Maithili, Oriya, and Hindi. Similarly the Jaina Prakrit works of the same

period show the beginning of Gujaiati and Rajasthani.

It seems that each region came to develop

its own language on account of its isolation from the others. On the breakup of

the Gupta empire there arose several independent principalities, which

naturally hindered countrywide contacts and communications. The decline of

trade meant lack of communication between the various regions, and this promoted

the growth of regional languages.

Regional scripts became more, prominent

from the seventh century A.D. From Maurya to Gupta times, although the script

underwent changes, more or less the same script continued to obtain throughout

the country. Thus a person who has mastered the script of the Gupta age can

read inscriptions from different parts of the country in that period. But from

the seventh century every region came to have its own script, and hence nobody

can read post Gupta inscriptions found m different parts of the country unless

he learns several scripts

Bhakti and Tantrism

In sculpture and construction of temples

every region came to evolve its own style from the seventh eighth centuries.

Particularly south India tended to become the land of stone temples. Stone and

bronze were the two mam media in which divinities were represented. Bronze statues

began to be manufactured on an impressive scale.

Although they are also found in good

numbers in the Himalayan territories, they predominated in south India because

of their use in brahmanical temples and in eastern India because of their use m

Buddhist temples and monasteries. Although the same gods and goddesses were

worshipped throughout the country, people of every region portrayed them in

sculptures in their own way.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

At the Well

On the threshold, through the faint light of the early dawn, he noticed a human figure.

“Who are you, there?”

“It is me, grandpa, Anoka! I want to die. Forgive me, if you can.’ Grandpa stopped, swayed, and almost fell.

“My child, it is sinful to talk like that. Look at my hair, not even the sheep’s wool is whiter.”

Anoka grasped the hem of his cloak which hung down from his shoulders, and kissed it.

“I have sinned awfully. I destroyed the harmony of your home. For-give me, for God’s sake!”

Nothing easier than to make an old man cry. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He took her head in both his hands and kissed her.

“Come in.”

She followed him into the room.

“Sit down there.”

She sat on a stool, and grandpa on the edge of the bed.

“Shell some of these beans.”

Remained silent

She did so. Grandpa looked at her with joy. Both remained silent, without uttering a sound, yet their hearts spoke. Day began to reign.

“Grandpa looked rejuvenated. He skipped rather than walked.

“Come to the well!”

They reached it.

“Draw some water.”

Anoka did so.

“Pour some.”

Anoka poured, and grandpa splashed his face and head.

“Dry me.”

Anoka began to dry his head carefully. It was easy to wipe away the water, but an old man’s eyes are weak and tears continued to roll down his cheeks.

Grandpa noticed some folks standing in the yard.

Poor girl

“Come nearer, all of you. Why don’t you wash yourselves? Don’t you see Anoka is waiting to pour for all of you? Yes, all of you. Poor girl, she will do it. But if she were to ask somebody to do the same for her’ there would be three hundred growlings.”

Rather timidly, the men and women came closer to the well. And like well-bred, citified people, they each said to Anoka: “Thank you!”

Arsen’s face shone with happiness. He too reached the well, spread his feet, bent forward, and held out his hands.


She did so.

Arsen was in the seventh heaven.

“And how fine you pour! Take it easy, I am getting wet. Stop, not so, not so.”

She rolled up his sleeves, and with her right hand poured.

“That’s right, God bless you.”

Petriya ran around, tears rolling down her cheeks, telling something to one woman, questioning another.

Grandpa, overwhelmed with joy, went into his room, opened an old wooden box, took out a string of pearls, put it carefully in a spotted handkerchief, hid it under his waist, and returned to the well.

On their knees and pray

They were through with washing. They all felt as if they were standing on holy ground and listening to a sacred choral chant: “The Lord blessed the waters of the earth….” If by chance someone in the group would have given a sign, all would have fallen on their knees and prayed. Grandpa looked around with shining dignity and pride. Dear old fellow!

“You are fine people. No one here to pour water for Anoka.”

All of them jumped and reached the coop.

“Too late now. I like to do it myself. Come, my child, wash yourself!”

It is hard to say whether grandpa’s hands were shivering, or Anoka’s heart trembling. He dried her with his own towel, and hung the string of pearls around her neck.

“She did everything by herself, poor child. But I will repeat what I said last night, and every one of you shall-remember it: ‘May God forsake anyone who insults her.’ ”

Heaven looks down on earth and smiles with joy looking at human affairs in amazement. What a funny two-legged creature is man! He gazes into the sky, opens his arms in despair, exclaims in mysterious sounds, prays and waits and wonders. Something unknown to man burns in his bosom; his soul expands and rises like holy incense longing for communion with the universe…. By God, it was always so!


Monday 21 October 2019

South-east Asia

Indian culture also spread to South-east

Asia, but not through the medium of Buddhism Except in the case of Burma it was

mostly diffused through the brahmanical cults. The name Suvarnabhumi was given

to Pegu and Moulmeiri in Burma, and merchants from Broach, Banaras and

Bhagalpur traded with Burma. Considerable Buddhist remains of Gupta times have

been found in Burma.

From the first century A.D. India

established close relations with Java in Indonesia, which was called Suvarna diva

or the island of gold by the ancient Indians, The earliest Indian settlements m

Java were established in A D. 56. In the second century of the Christian era

several small Indian panicle polities were set up.

When the Chinese pilgrim Fahsien visited Java in the fifth century A.D, I do found the brahmanical religion prevalent there. In the early centuries of the Christian era the Pallavas founded their colonies in Sumatra. Eventually these flowered to the kingdom of Sri Vijay, which continued to be an important power and a center of Indian culture from the fifth to the tenth century A.D. The Hindu settlements in Java and Sumatra became channels for the radiation of Indian culture. The process of founding settlements continued afterwards.

Indo China

In Indo china, which is at present divided into Vietnam, Kampuchea and Labs, the Indians set up two powerful kingdoms in Kamboja and Champa The powerful kingdom of Kamboja, identical with modern Kampuchea, was founded in the sixth century A D. Its rulers were devotees of Siva! They developed Kamboja as a center of Sanskrit learning, and numerous inscriptions were composed in this language.

In the neighborhood of Kamboja at Champa, embracing

southern Vietnam and the, fringes of northern Vietnam, it seems that the

traders set up their colonies. The king bf Champa was also a Saiva, and the

official language of Champa was Sanskrit. This country was considered to be a

great center of education of the Vedas and Dharmasastras.

Indian settlements In the Indian Ocean

continued to flourish till the thirteenth century and during this period

intermingled with the local peoples. Continuous comingling gave rise to a new

type of art, language and literature. We find in these countries several art

objects, which show .a happy blending (of both Indian and indigenous elements.

It is astonishing that the greatest Buddhist temple is found pot in India but

in Borobudur m Indonesia Considered to be the largest Buddhist temple in the

whole world, it was constructed in the eighth century A D., and 436 images of

Buddha were engraved on it.

Sunday 20 October 2019

History of the Deccan

The Vakataka power was followed by that of

the Chalukyas of Badami who played an important role in the history of the

Deccan and south India for about two centuries till A.D, 757, when they were

overthrown by their feudatories, the Rashtrakutas. The Chalukyas claimed their

descent either from Brahman or Manu or Moon They boast that their ancestors

ruled at Ayodhya, but all this was done to claim legitimacy and respectability’

Really they seem to have been a local Kanarese people, who were improvised into

the ruling varna under brahmanical influence.

The Chalukyas set up their kingdom towards

the beginning of the sixth century A.D. in the western Deccan. They established

their capital at Vatapi, modern Badami, in the district of. Bijapur which forms

a part of Karnataka. Later they branched off into several independent ruling

houses, but the mam branch continued to rule at Vatapi for two centuries in

this period no other power in the Deccan was as important as the Chalukyas of

Badami until we come to Vijayanagar in late medieval times.

On the Tipns of the Sdtavahana power in the

eastern part of the peninsula there arose the Ikshvakus m the KrishnaGuntur

region. They seem to have been a local tribe who adopted the exalted name of

the Ikshvakus in order to demonstrate the antiquity of their lineage. They have

left behind many monuments at Nagarjunakonda and Dharanikota They started the

practice of land grants in the Krishna Guntur region, where several of their

copperplate charters have been discovered The Ikshvakus were supplanted by the

Pal lavas. The term pal lava means creeper, and is a Sanskrit version of the

Tamil word today, which also carries the same meaning.

Toridainadu or the land

The Pallavas were possibly a local tribe

who established their authority m the Toridainadu or the land of creepers. But

it took them some time to be completely civilized because in Tamil the Word pal

lava is also a synonym of robber. The authority of the Pallavas extended over

both southern Andhra and northern Tamil Nadu. They set up their capital at

Kanchi, identical with modem Kanchipuram which became a town of temples and

Vedio learning under them, the early Pallavas came into conflict with the

Kadambas, who had founded their rule in northern Karnataka in the fourth

century A D They claim to be brahmanas, and they rewarded their fellow caste

men generously.

The Kadamba kingdom was founded by

Mayurasarman It is said that he came to receive education at Kanchi, but he was

driven out unceremoniously. Smarting under this insult the Kadamba chief set up

his camp in a forest, and defeated the Pallavas possibly with the help of the

forest tribes.

Friday 18 October 2019

Propagation of Buddhism

The propagation of Buddhism promoted

India’s contacts with Sri Lanka, Burma, China and Central Asia. Most probably

the Buddhist missionaries were sent to Sri Lanka in the reign of Asoka m the

third century B.C. Short inscriptions in Brahmi script belonging to the second

and first centuries B.C. have been found in Sri Lanka. In course of time

Buddhism came to acquire a permanent stronghold in Sri Lanka. In the early

centuries of the Christian era Buddhism spread from India to Burma.

The Burmese developed the Theravada form of

Buddhism, and erected many temples and statues in honor of the Buddha what is

more significant, the Burmese and Sri Lanka Buddhists produced a rich corpus of

Buddhist literature, not to be found m India. All the Pali texts were compiled

and commented upon m Sri Lanka. Although Buddhism disappeared from India it

continued to command a large following in Burma and Sri Lank*, which is the

case even now.

Beginning with the reign of Kaiushka a

large number of Indian missionaries went to China, Central Asia and Afghanistan

for preaching their religion. From China Buddhism spread to Korea and Japan,

and it was in search of Buddhist texts and doctrines that several Chinese

pilgrims such as Fahsien and Hsuan Tsang came to India. Eventually this contact

proved fruitful to both the countries. A Buddhist colony cropped up at Tun

Huang, which was the starting point of the companies of merchants going across

the desert. The Indians learnt the art of growing silk from China, and the

Chinese learnt from India the art of Buddhist painting.

Afghanistan and Central Asia

The two other great centers of Buddhism in

ancient times were Afghanistan and Central Asia, In Afghanistan many statues of

the Buddha and monasteries have been discovered. Begram and Bamiyan situated in

the north of this country are famous for such relics. Begram is famous for ivory

work, which is similar to Indian workmanship m Kushan times. Bamiyan hats the

distinction of possessing the tallest Buddha statue cut out of rock in the

early centuries of the Christian era. It has thousands of natural and

artificial caves m ‘which the monks lived Buddhism continued to hold ground in

this country till the seventh century A.D. when it was supplanted by Islam.’

A similar process took place in the Central

Asian republics of the USSR. Excavations have revealed Buddhist monasteries,

stupas and inscriptions, and manuscripts written in Indian languages at several

places in the Central Asian parts of the USSR As a result of the extension of

the Kushan rule Prakrit written in Kharosthi script spread to Central Asia,

where we find many Prakrit inscriptions and manuscripts

belonging to the fourth century A.D.

Written language was used for official and day to day correspondence as well as

for the preservation and propagation of Buddhism In Central Asia Buddhism

continued to be a dominant religious force till it was replaced by Islam around

the end of seventh century A.D.

Certain rich man

I heard of a certain rich man, who was as

notorious for parsimony as Hatim Tai for liberality. His external form was

adorned with wealth, but the meanness of his disposition was so radiated, that

he never gave even a loaf of bread to any one: he would not have bestowed a

scrap on the cat of Abu Horiera, nor thrown a bone to the dog of companions of

the cave. In short, no one ever saw his door open nor his table spread. A

Durwesh never knew his victuals, excepting by the smell; no bird ever picked up

any crumbs that fell from his table. I heard that he was sailing on the

Mediterranean Sea towards Egypt, with all the pride of Pharaoh in his

imagination, according to the word of God, ‘Until the time that he was

drowned.’ Suddenly a contrary wind assailed the ship, in the manner as they

have said, ‘What can the heart do that it may not record with your sorrowful disposition;

the north wind is not always favourable for the ship.’ He lifted up the hands

of imploration, and uttered ineffectual lamentations. God hath said, ‘“When you

embark on ships offer up your prayers unto the Lord.’

Of what benefit will it be to the servant

in the time of need, to lift up his hands in imploration, which are extended

during prayers, but when any favour is wanted are folded under his arms?

‘Bestow comfort on others with silver and gold, and from thence derive also

benefit yourself. Know thou, that this edifice of yours will remain, use

therefore bricks of gold and bricks of silver.’

They have related, that he had poor

relations in Egypt, who were enriched with the remainder of his wealth. At his

death they rent their old garments and made up silks and damask. In that same

week I saw one of them riding a fleet horse, with an angelic youth running

after him. I said, “Alas if the dead man should return amongst his tribe and

relations, the heirs would feel more sorrow in restoring him his estate than

they suffered on account of his death.” On the strength of the acquaintance

which had formerly subsisted between us, I pulled his sleeve, and said, “Enjoy

thou, 0 good man of happy endowments, that wealth which the late possessor

accumulated to no purpose.”