
Sunday 31 July 2022

Tourist attractions

Tourist attractions: The 4th century Roman tomb, discovered in 1942, is quadrangular with a cylindrical vault and marvellous frescoes, the finest and best preserved wallpaintings from the time of Theodosius I.

The figures of people, wild animals, birds, flowers, fruits and the scenes showing leopards fighting with boars are interesting material for studying the way of life in slave society.

The Ethnographic Museum in Medjidie-Tabia fortress, two kilometres from the centre,alsohasan archaeological exhibition.

About 17 kilometres from Silistra and three kilometres from the Danube is Sreburna Lake, a national reserve under the Institute of Zoology and included in UNESCO’s World List. Some very rare species of water birds live here and pelicans from all over Europe converge on the lake in the autumn before their flight south.

South along the E-87 is Zlatni Pyassatsi, one of the biggest resort complexes in Bulgaria. It is 17 kilometres north of Varna, to which it is connected by a modern motorway. The resort takes its name from the beach — almost 4 kilometres of golden sand over 100 metres wide sightseeing turkey. It lies on the same latitude as well-known French and Italian resorts on the Mediterranean coast. The climate here is warm and mild, average temperature in July is 22°C and the water temperature from Fune to September never falls below 20°C and sometimes reaches 27°C.


The complex has 81 modern hotels with 16,270 beds, bungalows and two shady camp sites accommodating about 1,240 with 128 restaurants and places of entertainment, 40 shops, a cultural and information centre, a fleet of 100 buses and microbuses, 84 taxis, a rent-a-car service and good sports facilities. Balkantourist is in the centre of the resort in addition to a barber’s and hairdresser’s shop. Near Diana Hotel is Vodenitsata (The Mill) Restaurant. The medical clinic has an excellently equipped dental surgery and consulting rooms. When necessary a doctor from the clinic can be called to the hotel by telephone 6-53-52, 6-56-86 and 6-56-87. Medicines can be purchased at the chemist connected to the clinic (tel. 6-5 £89), or at the chemist’s shop north of the Stariya Dub restaurant.

There are volleyball and tennis courts, mini-golf and croquet pitches in front of the hotels Morsko Oko, Liliya, Rodina, and Tintyava, open daily tel. 6-52-54. Near Hotel Liliya is a children’s swimming pool and at Hotel International there is an indoor swimming pool with warm mineral water. The International is the pride of the resort with 370 beds, 2 restaurants, coffee shop, and a balneological clinic with diagnostic and therapeutic departments open all the year round. The mineral water of the balneotherapeutical department is clear and colourless; it is slightly mineralized and its temperature ranges between 24°C arid 28°C. It can be used in bath tubs and in the indoor swimming pool and is recommended for diseases of the loco-motor system (arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis)… radicolitis, plexitis, neuritis, mental fatigue, stresses, cardio-vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertonia), bron-chitis, the early stages of bronchial asthma and obesity of the 1st and 2nd degree.

In 1979 the International won the World Tourism Organization Grand Prix competing with 150 other hotels all over the world.

The Post Office is a stone’s throw from the International and is open from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. with telephone connections to all countries in the world.

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