
Tuesday 2 November 2021

The magistrates present were themselves

Some of the magistrates present were themselves asked to become emperor. A second and a third day were spent in these meetings. Finally the choice fell upon a Toung man named Nicolas Kanabos, who was, however, chosen against his will. Alexis and Isaac knew what was going on, but were powerless. Isaac was ill. Alexis, alarmed for himself, seeing that whoever the next emperor might be the citizens were at least determined that he should no longer reign, feeling that power was rapidly slipping away from him, and that but for the presence of his foreign guards his own life would be in immediate danger, took what under the circumstances was perhaps a natural act, but what was nevertheless justly regarded by the citizens as an act of treason. lie sent to the Marquis of Montferrat, and invited him to fill the palace of Blachern with Frenchmen and Italians, in order to defend his life and maintain him on the throne. This treason to the city cost him both his throne and his life.

Mourtzouphlos decided

On hearing of what Alexis had done, Mourtzouphlos decided that the time had come for him to act. The new emperor minister of finance was in his favor, but the imperial guard of the Warings, who knew that their duty was to defend the emperor, constituted a serious obstacle to any attack on the occupant of the throne. It is probable that, as foreign mercenaries, they were by no means favorably regarded by the people. The very fidelity for which, as we have seen, they were so justly esteemed by the imperial family, even in the time of Anna, made their opposition on the present occasion the more probable. The object of Mourtzouphlos was now to secure the person of Alexis, either by inducing him to leave the palace or by withdrawing the Warings themselves. The latter course was found to be the easier. The Warings were therefore deceived, and led to believe that in leaving the palace they were to fight for Alexis.

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