
Thursday 12 March 2020

Well in Religion

Faith may be well in religion, but in politics, distrust is better. From the earliest periods, when tradition was the only record, to the present time, it has been the almost invariable etiquette to precede wars, however unjustifiable, by justificatory appeals.

But there is another and a safer way of proceeding’ in this instance, than by instituting an acute or critical inquiry into the bearing of some studied paper, drawn up possibly with the express intent of eluding this ingenious description of ordeal, namely, by the past policy of the state referred to,   its interests either real or apparent, the character of its preparations, the amount and position of its armies, magazines, depots.

But we have been told of the moderation and good faith of the Emperor Alexander, and now the same qualities are as liberally bestowed on the Czar Nicholas. The former is indeed well known to have been of an amiable disposition and of great amenity and goodness of heart, whose memory therefore well deserves being cherished by his subjects.

Indefatigable administrator

He was a successful, indefatigable administrator in all the departments ; a martinet in military details, but destitute of the higher qualifications of that or any other art; a civilian by temperament; and, though incapable of creating great plans, laboring with a laudable and unwearied assiduity on those that were handed down to him by his celebrated progenitors. Furthermore, it may fairly be assumed, that, in his greatest peril, he evinced a calm fortitude, and in the hour of victory was not devoid of equanimity. Here his panegyric ceases.

Fickleness, political immorality, and, to use a gentle term, political duplicity of the deepest die, are flagrantly distinguishable of his public deportment in other respects. From the treaty of Titlist, or at least from the interview at Erfurt, he appears to have been totally deluded, perverted, or subdued by the magic superiority of Napoleon’s genius.

He came into Austria, to assist the Emperor Francis; soon after he joined in an attack on that Prince, and accepted, as his share in the spoil, Austrian Galicia. He entered the North of Germany, ostensibly to restore the then profoundly and not undeservedly oppressed Prussian King: he was almost instantly beaten, and bribed into an iniquitous compact, which transferred to him a good portion of his Prussian friend’s dominions. He now required, that his brother-in-law of Stockholm should imitate this memorable versatility, and declare war against England. The Swede refused to violate his engagements.

Alexander invited the subjects of his relative to forswear their allegiance, made pecuniary tenders to the Swedish soldier)’, invaded Sweden, permanently possessed himself of those commanding stations and bulwarks of the Baltic, Finland, Bothnia, Aland, leagued with an infamous party of boy adds against their Sovereign, and, in short, compassed the deposition of the imprudent Gustavo’s.


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