
Wednesday 12 February 2020

The Warmth Of The Summer Season

There seems to be something about the warmth of the summer season that encourages able bodied adults to put on the strangest things. Not sure whether this is the result of the scorching hot temperatures that somehow fry their abilities to dress accordingly or the carefree attitudes of “summer break” that makes them believe they can take a “break” from caring about what they throw on. Whatever the case is, it must stop.

Of course we can’t all afford to dress like we’re headed for a red carpet event or runway show, but we can at the very least make sure we look good when heading out the door each day. Below, are a few fashion faux pas from head to toe that you should try and steer clear of this summer.

Hat Fashion Failures

Some of the most common fashion mistakes when it comes to donning a hat are:

Wearing a Beanie – a new popular trend (general among the younger generations) is wearing a beanie. Beanies are knitted hats (with or without a ball on top) that are designed for the winter – enough said.

Wearing a Fedora – unfortunately guys if you were looking into wearing a fedora this summer, you should probably steer clear as many claim fedoras are simply out of style.

Leather Baseball Caps – what’s the worst way to keep cool during the summer? To wear a leather baseball cap and keep all that heat stored up inside your body. Let’s leave these hat trends to the colder months when you actually want to stay warm.

Shirt Fashion Failures

What could you possibly be doing wrong when it comes to purchasing shirts in the summer time? Here are a few:

Form Fitting Shirts – While this fashion faux pas is geared more towards women, there are some men that probably shouldn’t be rocking a muscle shirt either. Anyways, in the summer time you want to feel cool and the worse way to do this is to throw on a shirt that cuts off your circulation. Not to mention a shirt can hug you in all the wrong places and give way to things like “muffin tops” which we can all agree is not a fashion trend.

Spaghetti Strap Tank tops – Spaghetti strap tank tops are certainly a fashion no, no. These tank tops are designed for layering purposes only. All too often you see women wearing spaghetti strap tanks and their bras are hanging out which can look so unappealing. If you’re going to wear one, let’s hope you’re headed to the beach.

Pant/Bottom Fashion Failures

Here are a few issues with pants and bottoms during the summer:

Skorts – It’s a shocker that they still make these for women, but it is a big fashion no, no.  By no means after the age of 13 (maybe) should you be wearing skorts during the summer. Choose one… either you wear a skirt or some shorts and call it a day.

Short, Shorts – You might think this one was just for the ladies but I’ve seen a few men wearing shorts that were too short. If it’s so short you can see the coloring of your thighs change it’s too short. No one (expect your significant other) wants to see that.

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