
Friday 2 December 2016

Glove on a very hot day

Do not insist upon pulling off your glove on a very hot day when you shake hands with a lady. If it he off\ why, all very well; but it is better to run the risk of being considered ungallant, than to present a clammy ungloved hand.

Never, indeed, offer your nand, unless well assured that it is in a presesliable state of frigidity; for the touch of a tepid’ hand chills the warmest feelings.

On entering a coffee-house, and sitting down, take off your hat; it is only a proper mark of respect to your own class, towards whom you pay the same deference you exact from.

If you meet a friend in the street — in a coffee-house, shop, or indeed any public place, never address him by name ; at least, not so people do not like to be “ shown up ” to strangers as “ Mr. Jones,” or “ Mr. Smith,” and so attract disagreeable notice. Accost your loudly as that others may hear it: sensitive friend quietly ; and do not roar out, “ Ah ! Mr. Smith ! how do you do, Mr. Smith ? ” it is very offensive, and shows a great want of proper delicacy.

Do not strain after great people, — for, although they like the homage, inasmuch as it flatters their vanity, yet they despise the dispenser of it. Pay them, however, all porgy respect ; but do not forget what  is dull yourself.

Superior in rank to speak first to the inferior

As a general rule — it is the place of the superior in rank to speak first to the inferior.

When presented to a person of high rank, you should leave a card at his house the next day.

If you have been in society with a nobleman, and should chance to meet him again elsewhere, leave it to him to speak first, or to recognise you. If you claim his acquaintance, you give him an opportunity of behaving superciliously to you, which would be as well avoided.             .

An unfortunate Clerk of the Treasury, who, because he was in the receipt of a good salary, besides being a “ Triton amongst the minnows ” of Glapham Common, fancied himself a great man, dined at the Beef Steak Club, where he sat next to a noble Duke, who, desirous of putting him at case with himself, conversed freely .

Remember that all your guests are equal for the time being, and have a similar claim to your courtesies; nay. If there be a difference shown, those of the lesser raja require a little more attention than the rest, that they ray not be made to feel their inferiority.


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