
Thursday 17 November 2016

Insignificant and Beneath

Remember also, that a letter should never remain unanswered a moment longer than is absolutely unavoidable. Should you not have time to answer it fully, a simple acknowledgment is better than no notice of it at all.

An adherence to these rules will prevent your exposure to any coldness or slight you might otherwise incur.


Do not imagine knees lite ceremonies to be insignificant and beneath your attention; they are the customs of society ; and if you do not  conform to them, you will gain the unenviable distinction of being pointed out as an ignorant, ill-bred person. Not that you may care the more for strangers by showing them civility, but you should scrupulously avoid the imputation of being deficient in good-breeding; and if you do not choose to be polite for their sakes, you ought to be so for your own.


When a man marries, it is understood that all former acquaintanceship ends, unless he intimate a desire to renew it, by ending you his own and his wife’s card, if near, or by letter, if distant. If this be neglected, be sure no further intercourse is desired.

In the first place — A bachelor is seldom very particular in the choice of his companions. So long as he is amused, he will associate freely enough with those whose morals and habits would point them out as highly dangerous persons to introduce into the sanctity of domestic life.

Secondly — A married manhas the tastes of another to consult; and the friend of the Aws- band may not be equally acceptable to the wife.

Besides — Newly-married people may wish to limit the circle of their friends, from praiseworthy motives of economy. When a man first “sets up” in the world, the burden of an extensive and indiscriminate acquaintance may be felt in various ways. Many have had cause to regret the weakness of mind which allowed them to plunge into a vortex of gayety and expense they could ill afford, from which they have found it difficult to extricate themselves, and the effects of which have proved a serious evil to them in after life.

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