
Tuesday 31 December 2019

The Internet is a highly efficient means

My advice for artists, songwriters and producers moving forward, first and foremost, is that you have to practice, you have to be great and you have to write incredible songs. Your music has to be wonderful, and that is the main thing you have to focus on. If you don I do that, your chances of success are extremely low.

The Internet is a highly efficient means of rewarding a quality experience, so if you ‘re not great, you ‘re probably not going to have a career as a musician.

The second thing is to have a business partner. It could be a business associate you work with who helps you manage your business, helps you figure out how you ’re going to make money, learns the new technologies and how to exploit them and helps get you in front of audiences and helps you promote yourself.

Berklee Music

Ten years ago we created an online school called Berkleemusic focusing on delivering online music education, via distance learning. Most of our online students are active in the music industry and are struggling to retool their skills and knowledge to take advantage of the changes affecting the way that music is produced, marketed and distributed.

The online courses and programs are all about creating music, writing it, recording it, mixing it, arranging it, editing it, mastering it, and using software and other technologies to help produce and distribute music. We have a lot of performers studying online, improving their skills, learning different instruments, learning both beginning level and advanced instrument techniques and different styles of music and how to perform.

We also offer songwriting courses, for people involved in writing or composing for film or television or video games. We also offer music theory, harmony, ect.


Dave Kusek is Vice President of Berklee College of Music and the Co-Author of The Future of Music. He is a digital music executive and is responsible for helping to create the market for digital music. He founded the first music software company, Passport Designs, which made it possible for musicians to record and produce their music at home.

Kusek is also a co-developer of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) industry standard that opened up electronic music to millions of people. Kusek is currently the CEO at where he has created the world’s largest online music school teaching over 15,000 students a year globally. Dave Kusek is a frequent speaker at Midem, MacWorld, Comdex, NAMM, AES, IEBA, NBC-TV, the Nightly Business Report, NPR, and the BBC.


Sunday 29 December 2019

Learn An Instrument

Learning how to play music is a valuable skill at any age, but when a young child picks up an instrument, the benefits skyrocket. Music has a profound effect on a developing mind, and weekly lessons offer several mental and physical benefits.

As a kind of calisthenics of the mind, each lesson challenges and strengthens your child’s cognitive abilities.

For several decades now, medical professionals have studied the effects of music on the brain, and they’ve found that it actually makes children (and adults) smarter. By several IQ points, no less. New research suggests that music affects the structure of the brain, especially in the left hemisphere, which is where the ability to read and play music develops.

It’s also where language comprehension is cultivated, which is why those children enrolled in music lessons have stronger language, math, and reasoning skills than those that aren’t. This translates intosuperior performances at school, as they’re better at communicating,problem solving, and understanding and processing instructions than their cohorts.


If this wasn’t enough to enroll your child into music lessons straight away, then here’s more reason to. Music lessons also help to develop your child’s physical skills, too. Extreme co-ordination and motor skills are necessary to play any musical instrument – especially piano.

Think about rubbing your stomach and tapping your head at the same time, and that’s practically what you’re doing when you play the piano. The action requires concentration and dexterity. When sat in front of the keyboard, the left and right hand have to play notes simultaneously as your child reads off both the treble and bass clefs. With practice, your child will improve their ambidexterity and timing.

With improved dexterity and a stronger mind, your child is sure to find success early on in life. So why delay in introducing music in their life any longer? As early as 5 years old, you can begin prepping your child for his or her best life with formalized music lessons.

To find beginner music lessons for kids in your area, visit your local Long & McQuade. They offer private lessons with professional musicians for a variety of instruments. And with 63 locations across the country, there’s bound to be one nearby.

As a parent, you want to provide the best opportunities for your child. Signing them up for music lessons early on in life is one of the best ways you can do that for them.

Not only will it provide them with the tools to master the instrument of their choice (a skill that will last a lifetime), but these lessons will give them the foundation on which they can build a more successful life.

Thursday 26 December 2019

Scientific studies were

Anton Chekhov (1860 1904)

Chekhov stands out as one of the greatest short story writers of the world. Although he received an M.D. degree, he never practiced medicine, but devoted himself to writing. His scientific studies were, however, of service to him. There seems to be no limit to the range ofhis knowledge of the human family. His situations are handled adroitly and with a strict economy of words.

In The Bet he shews all the cynicism, fatalism, bitterness, pettiness and viciousness that can result from a simple jest.

The present translation, by J. Middleton Murry and S. S. Kote- liansky, is reprinted from The Bet and Other Stories, by permission of the publishers, George Allen & Unwin.

The Bet

It was a dark autumn night. The old banker was pacing from corner to corner of his study, recalling to his mind the party he gave in the autumn fifteen years before. There were many clever people at the party and much interesting conversation. They talked among other things of capital punishment. The guests, among them not a few scholars and journalists, for the most part disapproved of capital punishment. They found it obsolete as a means of punishment, unfitted to a Christian State, and immoral. Some of them thought that capital punishment should be replaced universally by life-imprisonment.

“I don’t agree with you,” said the host. “I myself have experienced neither capital punishment nor life-imprisonment, but if one may judge a priori, then in my opinion capital punishment is more moral and more humane than imprisonment. Execution kills instantly, life-imprisonment kills by degrees. Who is the more humane executioner, one who kills you in a few seconds or one who draws the life out of you incessantly, for years?”

“They’re both equally immoral,” remarked one of the guests, “because their purpose is the same, to take away life. The State is not God. It has no right to take away that which it cannot give back, ifit should so desire.”

Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty- five. On being asked his opinion, he said:

“Capital punishment and life-imprisonment are equally immoral; but if I were offered the choice between them, I would certainly choose the second. It’s better to live somehow than not to live at all.”

There ensued a lively discussion. The banker who was then younger and more nervous suddenly lost his temper, banged his fist on the table, and turning to the young lawyer, cried out:

“It’s a lie. I bet you two millions you wouldn’t stick in a cell even for five years.”


Wednesday 25 December 2019

Horse Riding Boots

Well, it certainly would not be hyperbole to say that there’s a lot more to horse riding boots than just horse riding. These boots not only protect your feet from injuries and wounds but also help add an element of style and elegance to your overall appearance. Moving on, it is extremely important to ensure that the pair of horse riding boots you choose to buy is good enough to go the distance.

Choosing the right boot

The riding boot has to be a functional shoe that can be worn while horse riding and carrying out work in the barn. is a functional shoe for performing barn work and riding horses. High-quality riding boots are rugged and do not require much maintenance. As soon as you step into the market, you will find a lot of vendors selling poor quality riding boots. Also, ladies leather country boots can also be found with ease.

Eventually, all of it boils down to personal preference. Some riders choose wide country boots while others choose extra wide country boots. While buying a pair of riding boots, make sure that you are buying it from a reliable vendor. If you are planning to buy used riding boots, then buy boots from a country boots sale.

Basic Design

The basic design of riding boots happens to be pretty much the same. The type of boot you choose (English style or Western style) doesn’t really matter. A good riding boot needs to be thick and sturdy. Traditionalists prefer leather boots above everything else because they are tough, long-lasting and look great. The leather used for manufacturing horse riding boots has to be soft. Calf leather is used frequently to manufacture horse riding boots because it happens to be soft and has a smooth texture. Furthermore, riding boots should feel soft but should not crumple if you’ve bought a brand new pair.

Also, the leather should be tough enough to protect your feet and legs from scratches and bruises. Lastly, the sole of your boot needs to be stitched and not glued. Lastly, the heel should measure somewhere between half-an-inch to a couple of inches taller than the sole.

Safety comes first

Safety happens to be the most important factor. The riding boots you choose should be tough enough to provide ample protection to your feet. Also, it is always a good idea to not go for a wider boot as it might get stuck in the stirrup.

Convenience also matters

Many of the riders go for boots having zippered closures because it is easier to wear and take off these boots. Children go Jodhpurs because these are cheaper and can be bought after every couple of years (when feet start growing).

Size and fit

The size and fit hold a lot of importance. No matter how well-designed and sturdy the boot is, it is of no use if the size is not right. Do not go for a large boot as it might be loose. Going for tight boots isn’t an option either. Children can go for boots that are slightly bigger in size as their feet are bound to grow in the years to come.

So, that’s all you need to know about horse riding boots. In all fairness, horse riding boots are not purchased every now and then. These boots happen to be a long-term investment and will stay with you for years to come.

Saturday 21 December 2019

A band of Cornish men

Then Locrinus straightway took the Princess Esyllt for his wife, and delighted in her more and more: for she was as prudent as she was beautiful, and she loved

the king, her deliverer, with the love of a true wife, and of a noble princess.

But when Corineus, the giant-slayer, heard that Locrinus had taken a toreign

princess to be his wife, and that she sat beside him on his throne to the open

scorn of Guendolen, his daughter, he arose in great wrath, and swore a mighty

oath, that he would either make him put away his wife and marry the Lady

Guendolen, to whom he was affianced, or that one of the two should never eat

bread more; and gathering together a band of Cornish men, sons of the giants,

and taking with him Guendolen, his daughter, he marched eastward, passing like

an angry meteor through town and hamlet, for wrath drove him like a scourge.

Premature labor

King Locrinus, hearing of his coming, and boding ill of the issue, hid his wife

privily in a shepherd’s cottage, and caused a rumor to be spread that at the

terror of the coming of the Giant-slayer, his queen had fallen into the pangs

of premature labor, and that she and her infant had both perished; and to add

greater faith to the tale, he had funeral rites performed, and went heavily as

one who mourneth, and put on mourning garments.

These tidings, meeting Corineus on the way, somewhat slaked the fury of his wrath, and halting, he sent forward a messenger to Locrinus, to demand of him that he would fulfil his contract with the Lady Guendolen.

The King with a sad heart assented, but would that the marriage should be deferred  for the present that he might furnish himself, with fitting ceremony to do honor to his bride; but Corineus would hear nothing of delay, and resuming his onward course burst furiously into the city of Trinovant, where Locrinus abode, and breaking unannounced into the presence of the King bade him keep to his covenant, and take the Lady Guendolen at once to his throne.

The fierce countenance of Corineus was not less terrible because it was furrowed by age, and set round with strong white hair, and a beard like a trail of autumn

cloud; the muscles stood out like serpents from his bare arms, and his loose

garment of Tyrian purple left to view a broad patch of the shaggy breast

against which, as in a vise, he had crushed the ribs of the monster Gogmagog.


Saturday 7 December 2019

The Russian Arctic is a remote part of uncharted

Dreaming of an unparalleled adventure of epic proportions? A Russian Arctic & North Pole expedition may be just the ticket to the wild north you’ve been looking for. A colossal passage of the world’s harshest seas, a spectacular glimpse into magnificent and pristine wilderness and encounters with the stoic people who live on the roof of our world.

Plus…there are always the polar bears. These are just some

of the Highlights of a Russian Arctic Expedition.

The Russian Arctic is a remote part of uncharted land that’s

only recently opened up to commercial tourism. People come here in search of

the impossible, the remote, the harsh and the utterly mesmerizing.

From the wilds of the Siberian coastline to pristine arctic

islands like Wrangel, encounters with the hardy folks who call the remote Chukotka Region home, sea voyages across the wildlife-enriched Barents Sea and even fly-in adventures to the North Pole base camp: the chances for unforgettable adventures here are abundant and phenomenal.

Here are the most incredible highlights of a Russian Arctic & North

Pole Expedition:

Svalbard, Norway – The most well-known destination in the

Arctic region, Svalbard is the world’s northernmost populated land and a cluster of supremely pristine islands floating about half way between the Scandinavian mainland and the North Pole.

One of the best Northern Lights viewing platforms on earth,

Svalbard boasts a swath of frozen tundra home to Arctic Foxes, Polar Bears and endemic reindeer. Of all the destinations on Russian Arctic Expeditions, Svalbard is by far the most renowned, the easiest to reach and the one with the best infrastructure.

Tourism popularity notwithstanding – because all things are relative, after all – Svalbard is that hauntingly harsh frozen wonderland you dream of when you think of an Arctic adventure. Vertiginous glaciers, snow-capped mountains, endless horizons of rock and ice and a place where Polar Bears reign and humans survive. The most pristine and remote corner of Europe offers husky-led overland adventures, snowmobile excursions and boat trips by icebreakers. Svalbard is one of the most popular and convenient springboards for Russian Arctic & North Pole expeditions.

Crossing of the Barents Sea

With ocean waters shared by Norway and Russian, the Barents

was a hotly contested chunk of Arctic Sea for many years, all the way up until 2011 when a treaty between the two nations was finally signed. Arguably the most prolific breeding seabird sanctuary on our planet, the Barents Sea is a phenomenal confluence of freezing cold Arctic waters and warmer Atlantic waters, spawning a plethora of unique marine wildlife.

A crossing of the Barents Sea is an awe-inspiring experience. As summer creeps, more and more of the sea defrosts, attracting nearly 20 million sea birds in search of food and optimal breeding grounds. The world’s largest cold water reef is a magnet for large colonies of seals and

whales on hunting missions.

Franz Josef Land, Russia

A cluster of high Russian Arctic islands inhabited only by

local army personnel, a Franz Josef Land expedition can be your first taste of a ‘totally out there’ Russian Arctic & North Pole experience. Once you

leave the comforts of Svalbard and sail across the Barents Sea, you’ll reach the northernmost archipelago on earth, a collection of 192 islets that’s about as remote as one could get. These islands are currently under scientific

scrutiny and seem to hold many answers as to the consequences of global warming on our planet. Endless harsh plains of basalt inhabited by walruses, foxes and Polar Bears.

Harsh frigid seas that are playgrounds for bowhead, beluga

and humpback whales. Up here, you are 800 nautical miles north of the Arctic Circle, where permafrost and arctic winds prevent all but the hardiest of flora and fauna from thriving. In summer, when the sun never sets, the landscapes of Franz Josef Land are spectacularly breathtaking.

Every stage that you undergo during

Every girl participating in a beauty pageant believes that she will be a winner and am sure they work hard with their instructors to do so. When it comes to beauty pageant competitions, looking all glam and sexy is one thing, but there are other things that you need to put in practice as well to be able to emerge a winner. Some of these tactics include the speech to give, how to catwalk, the posture to use and also how to look at the judges.

These things are essential as well. Learn more about the

pageant styles and dresses at and gather some ideas that you

can incorporate into your look.

Other tips on how to stand out in a pageant competition:

Perfect your pageant skincare routine with the Skin Script

Green Tea Citrus Antioxidant Cleanser!

Prepare for screen session

Before you are passed to contest for pageant clown, first of

all, all the girls go through screening whereby they still do the activities

required to be done during the actual show competition in front of the judge.

Well, some may think this is not a very critical stage, but it is very crucial

as it will determine whether you will qualify for the competition or not.

Also, this step allows the judges to see if you fit the

required qualification for competitors such as the height, face flawlessness,

and other body measurement requirement as well and that is the reason people

are requested not to wear any makeup and wear hugging body clothes. Have all

the personal documents required ready and also do a lot of practice regarding

cat walking, striking poses and most of all how to describe yourself in front

of the judges.

Be open minded

Taking your pageant career serious is very crucial, and this

involves being on time and willing to learn. Always get to the station earlier

as this shows that you are committed to what you are doing and may earn you

some marks, listen to the person who is giving you briefs to ensure that you

follow all the rules and requirements to the letter. Make sure that your make

up artist is there on time to avoid last minute rushes which can cause you to

be confused and end up forgetting all the important details. Also, know all the

people from the judges, sponsors, and the Ushers as well so it does not look

rude when you ask their names in front of other individuals. Such information

is given during the screening day, and therefore it is important to keep it in


Be involved

Beauty pageants usually participate in different activities

such as helping around the community and cleaning as well. So be prepared and

cooperative when performing these activities as the more you are willing to

help the more the judges will recommend you. It is also important to take care

of your body by wearing body creams that protect your skin from the harsh

outdoor climates. Your beauty is a part of getting you to win, and so you need

to take care of it. Have a good relationship with your trainers and fellow

pageant queens as well and above all be focused and attentive.

Prepare for the competition day

The last important tip is to prepare for the big day.

Practice all the choreography taught by the instructors, all the cat walking

poses and also the confidence required in answering the pageant questions.

Every stage that you undergo during the pageant program is

crucial from the time that you walk through the runway to the questions and

answers session. So practice as many times as you can to perfect your routines.